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时间:2017-03-16 20:42来源:毕业论文

本论文将FPGA的快速性和计算机的灵活性通过USB2.0总线有机地结合起来,设计了一个基于FPGA的可调参数FIR滤波系统。此系统由计算机根据各种滤波器指标计算出滤波参数,通过USB2.0对FPGA芯片内部的FIR多阶滤波器进行参数配置,实现数字滤波器参数可调;配置后的FPGA滤波单元完成对数字信号的滤波运算,滤波后的数据经过缓存后通过USB2.0总线传输至计算机进行显示、分析和储存等进一步处理。在系统中采用有限状态机对FPGA参数配置模式和滤波模式进行切换,保证了系统的有序运行。    6546
关键词:FIR数字滤波器  可调参数  现场可编程门阵列   
Title   The design of a reconfigurable FIR Filter System Based on FPGA                                             
In the modern electrical system, the FIR digital filter, as an important component of digital signal processing technology, is used for many practical applications for its good linear phase character. It's a good method to use FPGA to implement FIR filter, as it not only meet the real-time requirement, but also guarantee the flexibility. FIR filter systems based on FPGA can adjust their coefficients flexibly to suit the variable filtered signal.   
In this dissertation, a reconfigurable FIR filter system based on FPGA is designed,which combine high-speed operation of FPGA and flexibility of computer using USB2.0 interface. According to the filter specialties, the filter coefficients are calculated by the computer. And the configured coefficients of the multistage FIR filter are downloaded to the chip via the USB2.0 interface. The filtering computing is completed by the FPGA. The filtered data is transmitted to the computer through the USB2.0 interface for further processing, such as displaying, analyzing and storing. The state conversion between coefficients configuring mode and filtering mode is finished by FSM (Finite State Machine), which ensures the system to work orderly.    
Keywords   finite impulse response digital filter   reconfigurable coefficient   field programmable gate array   
 目    次
1  引言    1
1.1  论文研究的目的意义    1
1.2  国内外研究现状    2
1.3  本文主要内容    3
2  FIR滤波器设计原理    3
2.1  FIR数字滤波器    3
2.2  有限字长效应    8
2.3  本章小结    9
3  可调参数FIR滤波系统硬件设计    9
3.1  FPGA模块设计    9
3.2  USB接口模块设计    13
3.3  本章小结    18
4  可调参数FIR滤波系统软件设计    18
4.1  基于FPGA的可调参数FIR滤波器的设计及实现    18
4.2  USB软件设计    30
4.3  计算机软件设计    34
4.4  本章小结    37
结  论    38
致  谢    39 基于FPGA的可调参数FIR滤波器系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_4145.html