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时间:2019-08-17 22:11来源:毕业论文
PLC控制的恒压供水系统,由PLC和变频器进行逻辑和压力控制。 再经PID运算后,通过PLC控制变频器和电源频率的切换,从而达到闭环调节恒压变量供水。运行结果显示,该系统具有安全可

本文介绍了PLC控制的恒压供水系统,由PLC和变频器进行逻辑和压力控制。 再经PID运算后,通过PLC控制变频器和电源频率的切换,从而达到闭环调节恒压变量供水。运行结果显示,该系统具有安全可靠,结构简单,恒压稳定等特点。
毕业论文关键词:变频调速 ;恒压供水;PID调节;PLC
The constant pressure water supply control system based on RSLogix500 design
Abstract : With the rapid development of social economy, people increase the requirement of increasing the quality of water supply and water supply system reliability. Combined with the current energy shortage, the use of the advanced automation technology, control technology and communication technology, the design of high performance, high energy saving can adapt to different areas of constant pressure water supply system become inevitable trend.
This design is designed for residents living water. By frequency converter, PLC, PID regulator and control system, adjust the output flow of pump. Motor pump set is composed of three pumps in parallel, and by the frequency converter or power frequency power supply, according to the water supply system to control frequency converter outlet water pressure and flow rate motor speed and switching of pumps, make the system run in the best condition, ensure water as needed.
This paper introduces the PLC control of frequency conversion water supply system, logic control by PLC, the section pressure developed by frequency converter. After the PID operation, through the PLC control frequency and power frequency switching, realize closed-loop automatic adjustment constant pressure variable water supply. Running results show that the system has stable pressure, simple structure, reliable work, etc.
KeyWords:  Frequency control of motor speed; Constant pressure water supply; PID regulation; PLC
1  绪论    1
1.1 本课题产生的背景和意义    1
1.2 变频恒压供水现状    2
1.3    课题来源与研究内容    3
2 系统的基本结构与主要硬件    4
2.1 系统基本结构    4
2.2 变频器    5
2.2.1 变频器基本结构    5
2.2.2 变频器分类与工作原理    7
2.2.3 变频器操作与使用    8
2.4 PLC的选择    9
2.3 压力传感器    9
3 恒压供水系统软件设计    10
3.1控制要求    10
3.2 PID在恒压供水中的应用    10
3.2.1概况    10
3.2.2 PID调节原理    11
3.2.3 PID参数整定的相关原则    13
3.2.4 PID调节的注意事项    13
3.2.5 PID回路类型的选择    14
4 系统设计    14
4.1 梯形图的绘制原理    14
4.2 I/O点的统计与分配    15
4.3 PLC系统选型    16
4.4 电气控制系统原理图    16
4.4.1主电路图    16
4.4.2 控制电路图    17
4.5 系统程序设计    19 PLC基于RSLogix500的恒压供水控制系统设计+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_37664.html