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IEC 61850体系结构与应用

时间:2019-01-13 19:27来源:毕业论文

关键词  IEC 61850 变电站自动化 SCD配置 IED
Title    System Structure and Application of IEC 61850              
Due to the hierarchical distributed structure of substation integrated automation already has extensive application in our country, and also to the requirement of further intelligent substation automation operation become more intense. This article mainly through combining with the present domestic research on this problem and explore the condition and conclusion, and reference at the same time the foreign related research situation, through the study of IEC 61850 standard, to learn the basic foundation of configuration; Through the study of intelligent based on this standard stand structure has the advantage, to identify characteristics and corresponding simulation configuration corresponding content; Method, through the use of learning SCL configuration tool and using hand tools and all kinds of materials, to a substation 220 kv intelligence simulated configuration in the lab. In order to simulate the configuration at the same time, also involved in the 220 kv intelligent substation one, the composition of the secondary equipment are briefly described. Through the above work, to give a relatively comprehensive conclusion, and puts forward views on the development direction of the future.
Keywords  IEC 61850  Substation automation  SCD configuration  IED
目   次
1 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景与意义    1
1.2 变电站自动化系统    1
1.3国内外研究现状    2
1.4研究的主要内容    3
2 IEC61850体系结构与SCL研究    4
2.1 IEC 61850标准的概况    4
2.2 SCL—IEC 61850所唯一认同的配置描述语言    6
2.3标准化的信息模型    6
2.4 本章小结    7
3 基于IEC 61850标准的智能变电站的特点    9
3.1 “三层结构”    9
3.2 “两层网络”    10
3.3本章小结    13
4 SCL配置工具应用研究    14
4.1基本介绍    14
4.2 配置流程    17
4.3 本章小结    27
5 IEC 61850工程配置研究    29
5.1 一次系统构成    29
5.2 保护用二次系统构成    32
5.3 对应SCD文件配置工作    34
5.4 本章小结    41
结 论    42
致 谢    43
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景与意义
近几年,我国经济水平得到快速提升,随之用电也越发变成束缚我国经济进步的关键性原因,为此各地都在加大力度加装一系列的用配电装置以适应市场的需求。电力系统里有一个组成环节不可忽视,那便是变电站,其对整个电力系统经济安全的运行负担着极其重大的责任,作为中间部分联接着发电厂和用户,作用是分配和变换电能。“2009年特高压输电技术国际会议”上,国家电网公司公布出其发展“坚强智能电网”的伟大计划;随后围绕着智能电网这一国网公司新时代的宏伟计划本身,各产研机构展开了众多研究工作[ , ],相关报告也多有发表。坚强智能电网是把特高压电网当作其骨干网架、各级电网协调发展的坚强网架当作其基础,以通信信息平台为支撑,具有信息化、自动化、互动性的特征,包含电力系统的发电、输电、变电、配电、用电和调度优尔大环节,覆盖所有电压等级,实现“电力流、信息流、业务流”的高度一体化融合,具有坚强可靠、经济高效、清洁环保、透明开放和友好互动内涵的现代电网[ ]。 IEC 61850体系结构与应用:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_29496.html