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时间:2018-08-27 09:40来源:毕业论文

关键词  emWin  LPC1788  人机交互软件  触摸屏
Title A GUI Design for the Touch Screen Based on emWin                    
In industrial control area, most Touch Screen products are developed based on configuration software. Although using configuration software is more efficient, it also improves the cost. What’s more, the closed bottom modules in configuration software are to the disadvantage of realizing some special functions. This paper uses LPC1788 MCU, which integrates the LCD controller, as the core to build a low-cost Touch Screen platform, and utilize the emWin, which is a open source now, to research on GUI design method. This paper cites the carousel in warehousing system as specific object, designed multilevel GUI including many functions, such as register, password protection, showing and updating the state, control interface, communication and backlight adjustment,etc. Paper also designed a debug software on windows platform to build a experimental platform with the Touch Screen system, and tested the GUI’s functions. Testing results proved that the system realized basic needs and functions.This Touch Screen system has friendly GUI, abundant functions and is easy to operate. It offers a reference for low-cost GUI development for the Touch Screen.
Keywords  emWin  LPC1788  GUI software  Touch Screen
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景与意义    1
1.2  研究内容与目标    1
1.3  论文工作与结构    2
2  总体概述    3
2.1  项目介绍    3
2.2  硬件介绍    3
2.3  软件介绍    4
3  软件设计    6
3.1  需求分析    6
3.2  系统设计    7
3.3  程序实现    11
4  系统测试    24
4.1  下载调试    24
4.2  触摸屏测试    25
4.3  通信测试    26
5  总结与展望    29
结  论    30
致  谢    31
1  绪论
1.1  研究背景与意义
触摸屏(Touch Screen)是一种附加在显示器表面的透明介质,其实质是一套透明的绝对定位系统[1]。触摸屏技术的出现颠覆以往的人机交互模式,使得用户操作更为方便,直接和舒适。自上世纪70年代发明以来,触摸屏已经得到长足的发展,并广泛应用于信息查询,办公管理,工业控制,军事指挥等诸多领域。
然而,虽然触摸屏技术已经相对成熟,但触摸屏产品的价格却并不低廉。原因是,目前大部分触摸屏厂商出售的并不只是一张触摸屏,而是包括对应的组态开发软件,配套元器件,甚至显示屏的一整套产品组合。这些组态软件,如西门子公司的ProTool/Pro,威纶公司的EasyBuilder等,具有强大的软件功能和良好的交互界面,能够提高了触摸屏软件开发效率,但同时也一定程度上增加了不必要的成本。这就为一些成本敏感的产品实现优质的人机交互带来了障碍[2]。 基于EmWin图形库的触摸屏人机交互软件设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_21975.html