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时间:2018-07-31 22:22来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键字:温度补偿 单片机 超声波测距 LCD显示
Ultrasonic ranging system which has the function of temperature compensation
Abstract:This article introduced an ultrasonic ranging system based on the digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and STC89C52 single chip. In the analysis of the principle of ultrasonic distance measurement based on single chip microcomputer control, the article designed the measuring system based on single chip control; considering the effect of temperature on ultrasonic velocity influence, the article elaborated the DS18B20 in the range of temperature compensation method. The function of the system realized is composed of ultrasonic wave from the transmitter to the time interval and then combined with the current ambient temperature velocity, to obtain a measured distance and real time display on the LCD. In the design, the article used the temperature compensation method of ultrasonic ranging, which sent to the receiving time intervals by the timer to time, environmental temperature by DS18B20 temperature sensor. The measured time and temperature data processed by the computer, the results displayed in 1602LCD. Using the temperature compensation of ultrasonic ranging system significantly improves the measuring precision and stability. The measuring blind zone is 30cm, the measurement range is 30 ~ 300cm, the accuracy is 5mm.
 Keywords: temperature compensation  single chip  ultrasonic ranging  LCD display
 目  录
1 绪论    1
1.1 选题的来源及意义    1
1.2 国内外超声波测距的研究现状    1
1.3 本文主要安排    2
2 硬件电路的实现     3
2.1 总体设计方案    3
2.2 单片机控制模块    4
2.2.1 STC89C52单片机主要功能特性    4
2.2.2单片机系统电路    5
2.3 超声波收发模块    7
2.4 DS18B20温度检测模块    9
2.4.1 DS18B20简介    9
2.4.2 DS18B20检测的实现    10
2.5 1602LCD液晶显示模块    11
3 软件实现设计    13
3.1 软件设计思路    13
3.2 各显示子程序    13
4 系统电路PCB板.....18
5 系统调试    19
6 实验结果分析    20
6.1 实验过程及分析    20
6.2 误差来源及改进措施    21
7 总结与展望    22
7.1 超声波测距的总结    22
7.2 对超声波测距的展望    22
致谢    24
参考文献    25
1 绪论
1.1 选题的来源及意义
声波测距应用于很多场合,诸如汽车停车测量车距,机器人避障、机械加工自动化装配及检测、超声定位、水库液位测量等方面得到了广泛的应用[1]。初中的时候我们就开始接触声波,对于声波在各个介质中的传播速度我们都有一定的了解。蝙蝠没有眼睛但是可以再空中自由飞翔,这是因为蝙蝠能发出超声波找到食物和避免障碍物,现在我们就是利用了这个原理来研究汽车测量车距,机器人避障等等。并且超声波指向性强,能量衰减较慢这能让我们更好地利用它,当然事物都有相对性,超声波的利用还有一定的局限性。例如:超声波在空气中衰减较大,温度因素等等。所以如何解决这类问题使超声波利用进一步提高,就有了很大的现实意义! 单片机具有温度补偿功能的超声波测距系统设计+PCB电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_20787.html