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时间:2018-06-13 20:55来源:毕业论文

关键词  变频调速  恒压供水  测控  组态王
Title  The design of a variable frequency speed regulation
constant pressure water supply system             
This course design mainly completes the design of a variable frequency speed regulation constant pressure water supply system ,and identified the way of work of a frequency converter driving three pumps frequency in turn with an auxiliary pump.In addition,this paper gives the switching condition and order of the three pumps operating ni the way of power frequency or frequency conversion.By all kinds of sensors and transformers,the system can detect the change of frequency and water pressure.The system should reflect the working condition of the system by detecting every switch quantity.
The system is composed of action module,control and detection module.The measurement and control module whoise name is HongGe can collect digital and analog quantity and control contactors by their relay outputs.At last,the hardware parts are formed into a network by distributed measurement and control module. The control interface and function are completed by a software whose name is kingview.In thise paper,the content above is introduced in detail.
Keywords  Frequency control of motor speed  Constant pressure water supply  Measurement and control  kingview
目  次
1  绪论    1
1.1变频调速恒压供水的特点    2
1.2变频调速恒压供水的节能分析    3
1.3本课题应该达到的目的    5
1.4设计思路    5
2  变频调速恒压供水的原理及实现    6
2.1水泵调速方式    6
2.2变频调速恒压供水系统组成    6
2.3系统的具体控制流程    8
2.4切换水泵的条件    9
3  器件选型    12
3.1水泵的选型    12
3.2变频器的选型    12
3.3压力传感器的选型    14
3.4液位传感器的选型    15
3.5交流电流隔离变送器的选型    15
3.6频率变送器的选型    15
4  系统的硬件设计    16
4.1泓格I-7000系列测控模块介绍    16
4.2变频调速恒压供水系主接线    19
4.3变频器外部接线    22
4.4各信息采集控制总图    22
5  系统的软件设计    25
5.1组态软件简介    25
5.2 本系统的组态设计    33
5.3功能实现语句    38
结论    40
致谢    41
参考文献    42
1  绪论
我国是一个人口大国,同时也是一个水资源匮乏的大国。近年来,随着经济社会日新月异的发展,人们对于供水的质量提出了越来越高的要求。尤其是近几年随着人口向城市涌动,城市人口不断增长,城市居民楼的高度也在不断攀升,可靠地供水成了一个大问题。供水能力的发展总是落后于人们对于水的需求的增长,过去5年里,中国平均每天的生活用水量增加了约四成,越有一半左右的城市存在不同程度的缺水的状况。现在,当代人对于供水的需求已经不是传统的供水方式所能满足的了,传统的供水方式普遍存在不同程度的水资源浪费和电力的浪费,并且自动化程度低,可靠性差,效率低,影响人们的日常生活。 变频调速恒压供水系统设计+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_17750.html