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时间:2018-05-19 15:59来源:毕业论文

关键词  三文激光测量技术 间隔棒 超高压输电 点云数据 PCA算法
Title   3-D laser measurement technology and its application  in the ultra-high voltage transmission lines                                               
3-D laser measurement technology is a technique that can realize non-contact measurement to the objects in three dimensional space rapidly and accurately, which is playing an important role in more and more fields. Ultra-high voltage transmission lines dance because of the influence of natural conditions. Spacer can play the role of insulation and support between connections. It can prevent the conductor galloping effectively and improve the safety of transmission lines in the harsh natural environment.
This paper studies 3-D laser measurement technology and its application in the ultra-high voltage transmission lines. Firstly, it introduces the related theory of 3-D laser measurement and spacer. Then, it applies 3-D laser measurement technology to the measurement of spacer and lines. Finally, because the point cloud data obtained through 3-D laser technology is highly unorganized, this paper studies the segmentation of spacer and wire based on PCA algorithm. The algorithm is realized with MATLAB and the result shows the effectiveness of the method.
Keywords  3-D laser measurement technology  Spacer  Ultra-high voltage transmission  The point cloud data  PCA algorithm
目   次
1 引言    1
1.1 本课题的选题背景及研究意义    1
1.2 研究现状    1
1.3 本论文的主要内容和结构安排    2
2 相关理论知识    3
2.1 三文激光扫描测量技术的原理和应用    3
2.2 点云数据    8
2.3 间隔棒在输电线路中的应用    9
2.4 三文激光测量技术在超高压输电线路中的应用    12
2.5 本章小结    13
3 基于PCA算法的导线和间隔棒的数据分类    14
3.1 研究目标    14
3.2 PCA算法    14
3.3 算法的实现    17
3.4 本章小结    20
4 算法运行结果及分析    21
结论    26
致谢    28
参考文献    29
1  引言
1.1  本课题的选题背景及研究意义
随着我国经济实力的增强、科技水平的提高以及工业化进程的加快,电力已经渗透到我们工作、生活、学习的方方面面,我们时时刻刻都离不开电。随着我国电力产业的不断发展,输电技术的日益成熟,我国的输电系统也发生了非常大的转变,正朝着超高压、大容量、大电流、远距离方向进化[1]。由于我国地形辽阔,地势复杂,各地自然条件变化较大,且超高压输电在工农业生产以及日常生活中作用巨大,因此,提高超高压输电的能力和增强对超高压输电线路的保护显得至关重要。 三维激光测量技术及其在超高压输电线路中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_15935.html