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时间:2018-04-19 22:16来源:毕业论文

摘要互联网的飞速发展带动了物联网的产生与发展,而物联网又催生了无线传感器网络这一新兴热点。无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN),得益于传感器技术、无线通讯技术与嵌入式计算机技术的不断进步,能够实现在微小体积内完成信息采集、数据处理和无线通讯等多种功能。
关键词 传感网 无线节点 定位 TinyOS 声压
Title     Sound source localization system based on Telosb
The rapid development of the Internet led to the emergence and development of the Internet of Things. In turn, the Internet of Things spawned this new hotspot for wireless sensor networks. Thanks to advances in sensor technology, wireless communication technology and embedded computer technology, Wireless Sensor Networks achieved a variety of functions to complete the information collection, data processing and wireless communications in a small volume.
  This paper studies the design of the sound source localization system based on Wireless Sensor Networks. Thanks to self-organizing, low-power, low-cost advantages of its own, WSN can effectively implement regional distribution monitoring. There is a detailed analysis of the processor module MSP430, wireless communication module CC2420 and serial communication module FT232 of Telosb. Based YwRobot acoustic signal sensor module, we designed a program to achieve the external sound signal acquisition. Then the signal is converted to digital figures by the A / D conversion and returned the base station. The base station will upload the data through the serial to a computer. Finally, on the PC side, combined with sound pressure amplitude ratio, we give a feasible method for sound source localization.
Keywords WSN  wireless node localization TinyOS sound pressure
 目   次
1   引言    1
1.1 无线传感器网络概述    1
1.2 声源定位技术概述    3
2 硬件平台    6
2.1 硬件平台的选择    6
2.2 Telosb节点简介    6
3 嵌入式操作系统TinyOS和nesC语言    9
3.1 无线传感器网络操作系统TinyOS    9
3.2 nesC语言    12
4 基于无线传感器网络的声源定位系统设计    13
4.1 系统总体设计    13
4.2 基于MSP430的声源监测技术    14
4.3 无线网络的搭建    18
4.4 节点与PC的串口通信    22
5 实验与仿真    25
5.1 硬件平台的搭建    25
5.2 平面定位原理    26
5.3 仿真实验设计    27
5.4 上位机设计    29
5.5 仿真实验结果与分析    31
结论    33
致谢    34
参 考 文 献    35
附录    37
  1   引言
1.1 无线传感器网络概述
     近十几年来,归功于传感器、无线通信技术以及嵌入式计算机技术的持续进步,不断推动了低功耗的多功能传感器迅速发展,让此类传感器可以在一个比较小体积内实现信息的采集、数据的处理和无线通讯等多种功能。此类微型传感器所组成的网络——传感器网络引发了人们的大量关注。无线传感器网络(也称无线传感网或传感器网络)是由部署在监控区域内的大量廉价微型传感节点组成,通过无线通讯的方式从而组成一种自组织的网络结构。无线传感器网络能够通过互相协作实现实时监测、感知和采集等功能。获取了传感器节点所分部区域内的各种环境或者监测对象的信息,就可以对这些信息进行处理,从而能够获得详尽而准确的信息。 基于Telosb无线节点平台的声源定位系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_13676.html