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时间:2022-12-17 22:41来源:毕业论文




Abstract Energy is the material basis of human activity, it is the basic driving force of economic development。Fuel prices are high, the energy supply is increasingly tense, in this grim situation, the global countries are seeking ways and  measures to ensure energy supply。The ship exhaust heat recovery is a very important aspect

In this paper, the ship internal combustion engine exhaust heat recovery characteristics and supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle technology, with reference to a ship exhaust heat recovery system,and by calculating the waste heat recovery system to theoretical research, while the system of key components such as heat exchanger design, preliminary design of a simplified scheme of the system。For large volume of existing heat exchangers, poor corrosion resistance, heat and low efficiency shortcomings, leading to use high-performance plate heat exchanger design。In this paper, a system diagram Ship heat recovery system compared to traditional high efficiency, small size, simple structure, which has broad application prospects and practical significance

Keywords: Waste heat recovery, supercritical CO2, brayton cycle, heat exchangers


目 录



第一章 绪论 1

1。1 课题的背景、目的、意义 1

1。2 国内外余热回收利用技术的发展状况 1

1。2。1  国外余热回收利用情况 1

1。2。2  国内余热回收利用情况 3

1。3主要研究内容 3

1。4本章小结 4

第二章 船用布雷顿循环系统研究 5

2。1 船用布雷顿循环系统原理 5

2。2超临界二氧化碳的性质 6

2。3 换热器的主要类型 6

2。4本章小结 11

    第三章 板式换热器简介 12

3。1板式换热器发展概述 12

        3。2板式换热器的基本构造 12

3。3流程组合 13

3。4板式换热器的性能特点 13

3。5全焊式板式换热器的性能分析 15

3。6本章小结 海洋供给船布雷顿循环余热利用装置换热器选型计算:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_110965.html
