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时间:2022-12-05 21:50来源:毕业论文


    下面我们来谈谈本次课题的主要构思环节:温度传感器和压力传感器被安放在智能水杯中,并定时把杯子内部的水温和水压指令通过串口发送到单片机中,单片机接收指令,然后单片机处理指令信息从而把水温水压的具体信息发送给移动终端PC机。硬件部分和软件部分被分别包含在本次设计当中。其中,软件设计部分涵盖了PC终端的JAVA语言的编写与调试,硬件部分主要包含了四个模块,他们分别是蓝牙模块,温度传感器模块,压力传感器模块,单片机最小系统模块 。


毕业论文关键词: stc15单片机、蓝牙、温度传感器、压力传感器

Abstract Wireless technology has brought unprecedented change in our life when we live in this fast-developing time。 The wireless technology is close related to our life and can bring big convenience to our life。 There are mainly three kind of wirelee technology: they are blue tooth wireless technology, infrared ray wireless technology and FM wireless technology。 Because there exit big difference in both aspect of the cost and the technology people always adapt these three kind of technology into different fields。 This paper introduce the wireless monitor system of temperature and pressure in detail, and can use the blue tooth in the cell phone to monitor the data of water temperature and pressure。 Also, through this kind of technology we can adapt it into our real life, bring huge convenience to intelligent life and bring the standard of life to a higher stage。 At last, this has a significant meaning to the intelligent life monitoring system。

Then let us talk about the main thought of this paper: the temperature and pressure sensor are put inside the bottle and can send the water temperature and pressure signal to the stc15 in regular time period, the stc15 then received this signal and process it before sending it to the end device---the cell phone。 This design concludes two parts: the hardware design and the software design。 Among them, the software part includes the PC end device and the JAVA language。 The hardware part includes four parts: the blue tooth module, temperature sensor module, pressure sensor module, and the smallest part system of the stc51。

This topic is based on stc15 and stc15f2k60s2, which is kept as the main contronller。 Designing an android app to learn about the water state in the bottle。 This paper mainly introduces something about the function of the stc15 and stc15f2k60s2, blue tooth technology and the temperature sensor module, pressure sensor module, then give the explain and introduce in detail。

Key words: stc15   Android Bluetooth  Temperature sensor   Pressure  sensor stc15单片机水温水压无线监控系统设计+电路图+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_106269.html
