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时间:2016-12-16 19:06来源:毕业论文

摘 要:本文设计了一种新型的智能数字抢答器。本系统单片机AT89C51为微处理器,采用软硬件相结合的方法设计而成。硬件设计采用模块化设计思想,将系统分为:核心控制模块、电源模块、显示模块、报警模块、按键输入模块、时钟与复位模块;软件设计采用C语言编程,采用PROTEL绘出电路原理图,并根据电路接口编写程序。该抢答器具有定时、报警、显示、非法抢答控制等功能,很好的弥补了旧式抢答器的缺陷。4391

Design of Digital Responder Based on The Mono-chip of AT89C51
Abstract: The paper designs a new, digital and intelligent responder. The chip of AT89C51 is adopted as the core control chip in this system, the responder is completed by adopting the method of the combination of hardware and software. In the system, the design of hardware uses the concept of modular and divides the system into following parts: the core control module, the power modules, display module, alarm module, key input module, clock and reset module. The software design is realized by programming the assembly language. Based on the analysis of the system working principle, suitable component parameters and models have been selected, the design of intelligent digital responder is realized by adopting the PROTEL and the program. The responder has the function of timing, alarm, display, control of illicit answer, making up the defects of old-style responders.  
Key words: Microcomputer AT89C51; Responder; Module
 目    录

摘要    1
引言    2
1.概述    2
1.1选题的目的与意义    2
1.2课题研究的内容及要求    2
2.硬件电路设计    3
2.1核心控制模块    3
2.2时钟与复位模块    4
2.3显示模块    6
2.4按键输入模块    6
2.5报警模块    7
2.6电源模块    8
3.软件设计    10
3.1主程序    10
3.2非法抢答查询子程序    12
3.3抢答时间调整子程序    12
4.系统Proteus仿真    13
5.结束语    15
参考文献    17
附录    18
附录1    18
附录2    19
致谢    36,4391
1. 概述
1.1 选题的目的与意义
本设计的系统较以往具有实用性强、操作连线简单、功能强大、判断精确等优点。系统除具有最基本的抢答、锁存等功能外,还具有定时、报警、显示、非法抢答控制等功能,比较注重细节并结合实际情况,使抢答器的使用性增强,弥补了电路繁琐、不实用等缺陷。 AT89C51单片机数字抢答器设计+源程序+电路原理图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_1043.html