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时间:2021-08-18 21:15来源:毕业论文
分析小鼠左股骨头空股陷窝率,结果显示对照组空骨陷窝率为9.35±0.89%,而实验组空骨陷窝率为32.18±2.83%,明显大于对照组,应用Student's t检验分析,实验P<0.01,实验结果显著性差异


定量分析小鼠左股骨头空股陷窝率,结果显示对照组空骨陷窝率为9.35±0.89%,而实验组空骨陷窝率为32.18±2.83%,明显大于对照组,应用Student's t检验分析,实验P<0.01,实验结果显著性差异。对于小鼠右股骨骨量分析,实验组骨量明显少于对照组。由此说明,激素性骨坏死模型建立成功。本实验属于课题的前半部分,目的是为课题后续的研究奠定动物模型的基础。

Abstract Osteonecrosis and avascular necrosis is a common metabolic bone disease, which occurs in the whole body parts, can be pided for traumatic osteonecrosis and non traumatic osteonecrosis, including hormone osteonecrosis is a common factors of traumatic osteonecrosis.Although many biology, biophysics, and through operation method to treat, but the results are not satisfactory, thus establishing glucocorticoid-induced osteonecrosis animal model for research is necessary.Mouse is close to human physiological and pharmacological properties,and they grow fast, easy breeding. bone is suitable for study, so it is the important animal model of osteonecrosis.This experiment mainly through injection of drugs in mice, the upper materials, embedding, biopsy, dyeing process, such as the preparation of alcohol in mice and sexual hormone osteonecrosis model, to observe at the same time, for the treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteonecrosis provide a research object.

     Quantitative analysis of left femoral head empty pit rate in mice, the results show that the control group empty bone pit rate was 9.35 + / - 0.89%, and the experimental group empty bone pit rate was 32.18 + / - 2.83%, significantly greater than the control group.Through the application of Student 's t test analysis, the experiment P < 0.01, the results significant difference.In mice right femoral bone mass analysis, experimental bone mass significantly less than the control group.Instructions, hormone osteonecrosis model successfully.The experiment belongs to the first half of the subject, the aim is to establish the animal model of the foundation to the research of project follow-up.

毕业论文关键词:激素; 骨坏死; 小鼠模型

Keyword: Glucocorticoid; osteonecrosis; mice model 




1 材料与方法8

1.1 实验材料..8

1.2 实验方法..8

    1.2.1 小鼠激素注射造模..8


    1.2.3 尾静脉注射..8

1.3 小鼠骨组织取材..9

    1.4 左股骨包埋切片染色9

    1.5 右股骨骨量检测..9

1.6 统计学分析..10

2 结果与分析.10

2.1 左股骨空骨陷窝率比较10

2.2 右股骨骨量比较10

3 讨论.10


3.2 激素对左股骨空骨陷窝率的影响..11

3.3 激素对右腿骨骨量的影响..12




骨坏死是许多原因导致的骨头局部供血不足,使得骨细胞没有足够的营养成分,骨头脆弱,易断裂论文网,坏死,塌陷而导致的一种病变。它是骨科的一种经常看见出现的病症,容易导致患者引发其他的疾病。可发生在股骨头、肱骨头、腕舟骨、距骨等部位,分为创伤性骨坏死和非创伤性骨坏死,创伤性股骨头坏死主要见于髓部创伤,如:股骨颈骨折、股骨头骨折、髓关节脱位、骸臼骨折等,股骨头由于血运中断而发生坏死;非创伤性ONFH致病因素多达40余种,其中最常见的是酒精中毒和激素[1,4]。股骨头坏死(osteonecrosis of femoral head,ONFH)作为最常见的一种病,主要属于骨坏死。股骨头就是人的大腿里面的骨头,是连接人体上半身和下肢的骨头,它位于骨盆下方,在人的骨盆那里一边一个凹陷,两者刚好可以连接,起到支撑上体的作用。如果从外面看就是在臀部的后下方。如果人要直立行走、活动和劳动,没有股骨头的支撑都是不可以的,因此股骨是人体最重要的骨骼,其中股骨头更为重要。所以股骨头也是最容易受伤的部位。股骨头坏死是由多种因素引起的,而不单单是一种原因引起的,因此,我们要从多个方面看待股骨头坏死。股骨头坏死可以引起软骨下骨和关节面软骨的塌陷。青壮年是该病的多发人群,平均发病年龄38岁[2]。据报道每年美国股骨头坏死的新发病例为1万~2万人,而我国每年为15万~20万人[3]。股骨头塌陷及继发骨关节炎会由于患者未经治疗或治疗不当而产生,会给患者的生活带来严重的影响。 激素性骨坏死小鼠模型的制作与观察:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_80609.html
