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时间:2022-05-12 22:56来源:毕业论文

摘 要:氯霉素,一种通过委内瑞拉链丝菌而生成的抗生素,隶属于拥有抑菌性质的广谱类抗生素。氯霉素在过去被使用的范围非常宽广,可以用来治疗各种因为敏感菌而受到感染的疾病。之后在经过一系列的案例和调查之后,发现氯霉素对造血系统会产生非常严重的不好的症状,所以人们才开始严格地控制它的临床使用量。在人体的脑脊液中,氯霉素的含量也不低,所以也经常被用来治疗使用其他的药物,但是治疗效果不佳的脑膜炎患者。氯霉素原料药可用于多种制剂,例如盐酸四环素,盐酸土霉素,氯霉素,氯霉素眼药水等一系列药物制剂。 80695



Preliminary Design of Production Plant Process of 15 Tons of Chloramphenicol

ABSTRACT:Chloramphenicol, an antibiotic produced by the genus Venezuela, belonging to a broad spectrum antibiotic with antimicrobial properties。 Chloramphenicol is widely used in the past and can be used to treat a variety of diseases that are infected by sensitive bacteria。 After a series of cases and after the investigation, found that chloramphenicol on the hematopoietic system will have a very serious bad symptoms, so people began to strictly control its clinical use。 In the human body's cerebrospinal fluid, chloramphenicol content is not low, so it is often used to treat other drugs, but the treatment of poor meningitis patients。 Chloramphenicol raw materials can be used for a variety of preparations, such as tetracycline hydrochloride, oxytetracycline hydrochloride, chloramphenicol, chloramphenicol eye drops and a series of pharmaceutical preparations。

This design, I through access to information, according to the physical and chemical properties of raw materials and its preparation process, choose a very promising production process line, the use of appropriate raw materials, equipment and molding process, in the design process, Process, technically, for the product quality can meet the relevant provisions of the state, and on this basis, can produce greater economic effects, while the environment, resources, etc。 have less impact on the design。

KeyWords: Chloramphenicol;antibiotics;plant design


1 车间设计概述 1

1。1 制药车间设计的基本要求 1

1。2 药车间设计的工作程序 2

1。3 制药车间设计的意义 2

2生产工艺流程设计 3

2。1 概述 3

2。1。1 工艺流程设计的重要性 3

2。1。2工艺流程设计的原则 4

2。2生产规模安排 5

2。3氯霉素的简介 5

2。4氯霉素原料药的工艺流程 7

2。4。1肉桂醛的制备 8

2。4。2对硝基肉桂醛还原制取对硝基肉桂醇 8

2。4。3酒石酸的拆分 年产15吨氯霉素原料药生产车间工艺设计:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_93769.html
