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时间:2022-08-27 10:19来源:毕业论文



Abstract    With the advancement of the process of urbanization, urban land is more and more lack,and people have higher and higher requirements to city life。 When urban is developing,science and technology is also developing。Roof garden,three-dimensional landscapes and other new forms of afforest has began to enter into people’s sight line。 Nature is an important element that people live with it, the body produce different responses because of different natural elements, use of the selectivity and specific natural factors, in order to remit the state of an illness, restore health and strengthen treatment effect,that called rehabilitation garden。 In foreign countries, the rehabilitation garden was as a means of adjuvant therapy from the 17th century。Now it has developed to a certain scale。But in China rehabilitation garden is just starting, the rehabilitation garden for puerperal’s design is less and less。 Hospital can increase usable area by building the higher buildings,but most often,hospital has no more area to build a rehabilitation garden。Combined with the actual factors and the needs of people, the roof rehabilitation garden is coming into being。

Keywords: Postpartum recovery; rehabilitation garden; Roof garden; landscape design; nature

目  录

第一章 绪论1

1。1 研究背景1

1。1。1 国内、外的现状以及存在的问题-1

1。1。2 实地调研2

1。1。3 主要研究内容6

1。1。4 调研总结6

第二章 康复花园及屋顶花园设计研究 -8

    2。1 设计康复花园的理论依据8

2。2 屋顶花园设计9

2。3 设计医院屋顶康复花园的缘起9

2。4 屋顶康复花园对产妇的作用-10

2。5 本章小结-13

第三章 妇产医院屋顶康复花园的设计-15

3。1 功能分区-15

3。2 设计元素-15

3。3 设计风格-17


3。5 设计细节-19




第一章  绪论

1。1 研究背景

1。1。1 国内、外的现状以及存在的问题

1。1。1。1 国内的现状

1。1。1。2 国外的现状

1。1。1。3 国内存在的问题

1。1。2 实地调研

序号 时间 地点

1。 11月22日 镇江第4人民医院

2。 12月8日 镇江第1人民医院以及镇江市江苏大学附属医院(镇江市江滨医院)

3。 12月30日 妇产医院康复花园设计+答辩PPT:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_98443.html
