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时间:2019-08-18 14:39来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:吴昌硕 石鼓文 篆刻 以书入画 以书入印
Abstract:Chinese culture with about 5000 years history of civilizations are profound. On the long road of Chinese art, the scholars should master the knowledge of poem, calligraphy, painting and seal. Especially calligraphy, painting, seal carving, which are priorities of Chinese traditional art. The three things trained Chinese ancient scholars’ aesthetic habits. The research of Wu Changshuo pay more attention on his calligraphy and the effect from seal cutting on the painting style. And little on the relevance among arts. And less on ancient proses on stones, which had important effect on Wu’s art life. In the Qing dynasty, seal character and style of study of bumps inscriptions. The rapid development of the school ethos, caused a stone and fell, and led to more calligraphy skills and aesthetic pursuit. Wu Changshuo selected the inscriptions on drum-shaped stone blocks as a learning model. Before Wu Changshuo has a lot of sages and many of his peers like Wu Dazheng also write in the inscriptions on drum-shaped stone blocks as learning is one of seal character origin, because of the pre-Qin style of writing, in addition to Jinwen. Several inscriptions on drum-shaped stone blocks to learn the classic, but no one has to the power of his best life to study of inscriptions on drum-shaped stone blocks. Finally, he created a ancient in new style of Wu’s inscriptions on drum-shaped stone blocks.
Wu Changshuo is a famous Chinese master of art. He had great success in poem, calligraphy, painting and seal. To learn the ancient and modern, from hundreds of long fill himself short, get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh, stand on its own appearance. And in the artistic achievement of four arts and enjoy a good reputation both at home and abroad. Especially in Japan, caused a stir. 浅析吴昌硕的书画篆刻艺术:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_37762.html