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时间:2022-07-30 11:22来源:毕业论文
阐述了现存橱柜整体形式,收纳方式,外形特点,从使用的角度优缺点,结合对于一部分典型年轻人群生活形态和与饮食相关习惯的分析, 归纳出年轻人在厨房内的使用需求,和审美需


本文首先阐述了现存橱柜整体形式,收纳方式,外形特点,从使用的角度优缺点,结合对于一部分典型年轻人群生活形态和与饮食相关习惯的分析, 归纳出年轻人在厨房内的使用需求,和审美需求。其次,通过分析厨房设计中的人机工程学,绿色设计,产品生命周期等来探索我的厨房设计。再次,根据前期对于现有橱柜优缺点的概括和对人群的调研得出设计点,根据设计点进行产品设计。

毕业论文关键词  小户型;厨房设计;人机工程学;情感化设计;绿色设计


Title    Green product design for young family in a small-sized  apartment --- kitchen design                     

Abstract Under the circumstances that the domestic economy is booming, the housing price is rising sharply, the population is growing fast and urban space is limited。 China promoted the policy of “adjustment of structure of housing supply and stability of housing price”。 The policy is aimed at ensuring the occupancy of small-sized apartment。 The kitchen design of compact apartment deserves being focused under the situation。 The spatial design and reformation of the kitchen, to a great extent, can better the user experience of the whole living experience of the apartment。 What designers do is to improve the reasonability of the space of the kitchen, consider the interaction between person to person, person to mechanism, and the emotional design。

The thesis demonstrates the current types of integrated cabinets, ways of storing goods in kitchens, features of appearance of cabinets, advantages and disadvantages of these products。 And the writer concludes the functional needs and aesthetic needs of young people in kitchen, after analyzing the lifestyle and diets。 Second, the project is demonstrated by analyzing ergonomics, green design, 3r principle。 Last, based on the conclusion of advantages and disadvantages of the cabinets and the user research, the design principles are concluded。

Keywords  small-sized apartment; kitchen design; ergonomics; emotional design; green design

目   次

1 绪论 1

1。1 课题研究背景 1

1。2 课题研究现状与趋势 1

1。3 目标用户调研 5

2 橱柜设计中的人机工程学 12

2。1 基本人机尺寸 12

2。2 修正人机尺寸 14

3 设计实践 14

3。1产品设计思路 15

3。2 前期设计的尝试与往复 16

3。3色彩与材质 19

3。4产品尺寸 19

3。5效果图 面向小户型年轻家庭的厨具系列绿色家居产品设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_97205.html
