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时间:2022-06-20 21:31来源:毕业论文




Abstract: with the rapid development of population and economy, human overall standard of living and a doubling of the material energy consumption level, the environment problem more and more obvious。 Excessive commercial development, resulting in the loss of history and culture of eroded and outdoor leisure space, and with the improvement of living standard make people increase the demand for open space。 These problems make people aware of its activities to the destruction of the natural environment, also found their own dependence on the environment and requirements。 The coming of the new age makes people more need to build a fusion present social form, culture, lifestyle, future-oriented, more human nature, the multi-integrated ideal living environment space, this is we want to give people the case design。

In the landscape design, the qing YanYuan combining the classical gardens and modern city square, after the reform and expansion is better in huaian, ancient and modern。 Both can appreciate the exquisite garden antique, and can satisfy the need of leisure and entertainment。

Keywords: Qing Yan Garden; Modern City Square; landscape design。

目  录

1  背景介绍 3

2  基地现状分析 3

3  设计目的及意义 3

3。1  目的 3

3。2  意义 4

4  设计方案概述 4

4。1  设计思路 4

4。2  设计内容 5

4。2。1  空间功能分析 5

4。2。2  道路交通分析 8

4。2。3  水景的分析 9

5。  创新与不足 9

5。1  创新 9

5。2  不足 9

结论 10

整套作品展示 11

参考文献 13

致谢 14

1  背景介绍

历史记载,淮安距今已经有2200多年的历史,曾用名淮阴、清江浦等名称。清晏园位于淮安市青浦区,建园至今,已有三百多年了,它是清江浦历史文化风貌中不可或缺的一部分,是漕运总督府的后花园,同时也是中国明清漕运史上唯一保存下来的衙署园林。园中景观,或玲珑娇小,或开阔大气,完美的融合了两者,让游客体味诗画般的古典园林之美。本次方案设计,我与黄荣共同对位于淮安市清浦区的清晏园进行扩建与改造,将之与现代的综合性公园相结合,既能欣赏精致园林的古香古色,又能满足休闲和娱乐的综合需求。论文网 古典园林缝合清晏园改造与扩建设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_95587.html
