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时间:2022-04-15 22:13来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着我国经济的不断增长,城市建设得到了迅速的发展,人们的需求也越 来越高,同时,各类工程技术的不断提高,信息化建筑的不断发展,使得高层建 筑的出现有效解决了大部分人的生活、办公需求,但随之也出现了大量的、复杂 的深基坑工程。为了保证基坑周围的道路、地下管线、建筑物等各类构造的安全, 以及建设过程中基坑的稳定,我们必须对深基坑进行处理和围护,从而为建筑物 的安全施工、结构的整体稳定提供必要的保障。本文根据中铁一局综合服务楼的 结构设计要求,对其地下结构部分进行了基坑的围护结构设计和支撑结构设计, 该基坑的开挖深度接近 13m,由于处在上海地区,场地各类土层情况对建筑物多 为不利,且基坑周围建筑物、管线、道路条件较为复杂,基坑的左侧有在建的 4 号地铁线环绕。本工程充分利用该工程的环境和结构布置特点,采用钻孔灌注桩 和水泥搅拌桩的组合作为围护形式,采用钢筋混凝土支撑作为支撑结构,运用同 济启明星软件进行验算。同时,随着 BIM 技术的不断推广和发展,本工程将通过 设计的图纸,采用 Revit2016 等 BIM 相关软件进行 BIM 技术分析,以虚拟三维 模型为基础,结合施工组织管理,模拟基坑的施工过程,并且完成工程量的计算。79897


Foundation pit engineering based on BIM technology in the comprehensive service building of China railway No。1 bureau

Abstract: With the continuous growth of China's economy, urban construction has been developing rapidly, and people's demand is getting more and more higher。 At the same time, the continuous improvement of various engineering technologies and the continuous development of information construction model make the emergence of high-rise buildings with An effective solution to most people's lives, office needs, but also appeared in a large number of complex deep foundation pit works。 In order to ensure the safety of the roads, underground pipelines, buildings and other structures around the foundation pit and the stability of the foundation pit during the construction process, we must deal with the deep foundation pit and encircle the building, so as to ensure the safe construction and structure of the building The  overall stability to provide the necessary protection。 According to the structural design requirements of the integrated service building of the railway station, the excavation structure design and supporting structure design of the foundation pit are carried out。 The excavation depth of the foundation pit is close to 13m, and in the area of Shanghai, Soil conditions are mostly unfavorable to the buildings, and the buildings, pipelines and road conditions around the foundation pit are more complicated。 The left side of the foundation pit is surrounded by the subway line 4 under construction。 This project makes full use of the environmental and structural characteristics of the project。 The combination of bored pile and cement mixing pile is adopted as the supporting form, and the reinforced concrete is used as the supporting structure。 At  the same time, with the continuous promotion and development of BIM technology, this project will be through the design of the drawings, using Revit2016, and other BIM-related software for BIM technology analysis, based on virtual

three-dimensional model, combined with construction organization management, simulation foundation pit construction process , And complete the calculation of the amount of work。

Key words: deep excavation construction; support measures; BIM; 3D model; construction simulation


1 工程概况 6 中铁一局综合服务楼基于BIM的基坑工程设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_92643.html
