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时间:2021-09-09 18:52来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:包装设计 中国传统月饼文化 文化艺术

The theory significance in moon cakes packaging design

Abstract: As an important brand packaging design cultural phenomenon gradually started to use in each big commercial brands. It has become a conscious activity of human economic activities. During the development of packaging design has to sublimate the packing of the products from the past into the present cultural packaging. Culture and arts, industrial production, science and technology, folk customs, and many other elements as one of the packaging. Packaging is not just a product protection, but also to promote goods and enhance the additional value of products.

The moon cake packaging design is a kind of brand, culture as the standard, on the basis of aesthetics, forms, process oriented design. We should be more moon cakes packaging design as a kind of cultural forms. The moon cake packaging not only in the contact between products and consumers, is also a kind of portraiture that the brand culture. moon cake packaging can improve sales share, more and more package can enhance the brand image, to spread the traditional mooncakes culture in our country.

Keywords: packaging design Chinese traditional mooncakes culture Culture and art


一、 前言

(一) 毕设内容概述  5

(二) 引入设计  5

二、调研报告  5

(一) 概况  5

(二) 调研概述6

(三) 结论与意义  7

三、设计灵感来源及过程 7

(一) 品牌定位  7

(二) 标志设计  7

(三) 插图设计  8

(四) 色彩选择  9

(五) 材料选择  9

(六) 造型结构  9


五、设计总结与心得  10

致谢  12

参考文献  12


(一) 毕设内容概述


月饼包装在市场上的包装大部分都太平庸,大同小异,而且礼盒大多以铁盒 为主,不仅笨重而且显得不够精致 ,月饼是我国传统的美食更应该采用朴实的包装而不是类似快消品那种鲜艳亮丽的配色,我的设计理念是对老月饼包装的眷恋,重拾儿时的记忆,不希望传统元素在历史长河里渐渐被消磨殆尽。论文网

(二) 设计引入

国内的月饼包装多数都是使用铁盒包装硬板喷绘等手段,将外包装做的光鲜亮丽从而吸引消费者群体,这样是非常不可取的,这是快消品的一种营销方式,中国传统文化的食品之一——月饼,是需要从历史积淀中寻求发展的,一个好的包装不但能向消费者传达商品信息,还应该注重美学的设计模式,用美来表现产品,最大限度的去满足消费者的审美以及消费心理。 包装设计在月饼中的重要意义:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_81475.html
