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时间:2021-09-01 20:48来源:毕业论文



Abstract:This thesis mainly explains the design content and design features of the "mood for love" theme restaurant in this graduation project. The main purpose of this design is to the theme of the Republic of China, to create a traditional and modern integration of the theme restaurant. The Republic of China is a blend of eastern and Western cultures, and it has a very unique flavor, and is also one of the classic and ancient names. This design from the film "in the mood for love" inspiration, combined with modern performance style with elements of the Republic of China, through the different design methods, through a historical sense of apparatus and article to to the customer presents traditional and modern combination of unique theme restaurant.

Key words: Mood for love,  The Republic of China,  Theme restaurants,  Soft outfit design

目 录

1. 前言 5

2. 条件分析 5

3. 设计的目的和意义 5

4.方案概述(设计主题,设计手法,设计内容) 6

4.1 设计主题 6

4.2 设计手法 6

4.2.1 对比 6

4.2.2 和谐 6

4.2.3 对称 6

4.2.4 呼应 6

4.3 设计内容 7

4.3.1 平面分布 7

4.3.2 色彩分析 8

4.3.3 设计元素 8

4.3.4 家具的选择和运用 8

4.3.5 灯具的选择和运用 9

4.3.6 布艺的选择和运用 9

4.3.7 装置的选择和运用 9

5. 创新与不足 10

结 论 11

参考文献 12

致 谢 13

附 图 14



“花样年华”主题餐厅,正是在这种背景之下决定建成一个大型的以民国老上海风格为主的公共空间。民国时期,那个特殊的年代具有东方的婉约意境,又借鉴西方简单的生活方式,老上海风格将两者汇聚一身。老上海风情呼唤的是一种回归,一种韵味,如同一首熟悉的老歌,浅吟低唱着岁月和回忆。 花样年华主题餐厅软装设计+答辩PPT:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_81269.html
