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时间:2021-05-09 21:41来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字:权益 法律 设计 装修风格 习性 

Abstract:Abroad, animal rights are strictly protected, various organizations and laws to protect animals is set up, but in China about animal protection provision remains to be perfect. Through the establishment of a shelter, reduce the number of stray animals in the outside, and shelter vaccine to defend freedom of also can reduce the spread of the virus. This scheme with cat dog said as the theme, expresses the stray pets abandoned the sad and helpless. Overview from the design thinking, design content two parts to discuss, design content and points use, material and decoration furniture, lamp act the role ofing use three aspects. Shelter decorate a style to a slightly sweet nifty atmosphere clean and tidy, is to make a design on the stray pets and people's relationship. Said the cat dog that homeless shelters break conventional shelter environment design, taking animals as the main, with their life habits, to give them as a free and healthy life. 

Key words: rights and interests  law  design  decorate a style  habits 

目  录

1 背景介绍 4

2 现状分析 4

3 设计目的意义 5

4 设计方案概述 5

4.1 设计思路 5

4.2 设计内容 5

4.2.1 家具运用 6

4.2.2 材质、装饰运用 7

4.2.3 灯饰运用 8

5 创新与不足 9

结  语 10

整套作品展示 11

参考文献 13

致  谢 14

1  背景介绍

随着社会的日益发展,人们关注的不仅仅是人与人、人与社会的问题,还应该有人与动物之间的关系。在现代,越来越多的人喜欢饲养动物,猫、狗已经成为人们不可缺少的好伙伴,甚至是精神支柱。宠物,是指犬、猫及其它供玩赏、伴侣之目的而饲养或管领的动物。现代年轻的白领、纯真的儿童、年迈的老人等,无不喜欢有个宠物在身边陪伴。但是宠物流行的同时,也出现了许多问题,最明显的莫过于流浪宠物急剧增长的数量。(图1 ) 

在国外,动物权益受到严格的保护,各种保护动物的组织与法律也相继成立,如美国、加拿大,两国均有民间救助组织,资金一部分政府出资,一部分民间捐助,大大小小更有7000多个动物之家。(图2)而美洲《预防虐待动物协会》、英国《动物保法》、德国《动物保护法》等等关于动物利益的法律也都相继成立。但是在中国,关于动物的保护条文还有待完善。同时饲养的素质低下、乔迁、老人去世等因素,原本的伙伴却无家可归,这种现象不仅不利于人与社会的和谐相处,也影响了社会形象。文献综述 猫说狗说流浪宠物收容所室内设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_74978.html
