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时间:2021-05-09 21:39来源:毕业论文

摘 要:在全球经济飞速发展的今天,餐饮业的欣欣向荣为现代生活方式提供了更多的生活追求。随之而来的主题餐厅逐渐步入人们的视野,它以独特的文化特征和鲜明的特色主题吸引了众多消费者。而今环境的污染,生态的恶化,人们极力在喧嚣的大城市里寻找空气清新的自然之地,这时原生态特色的主题餐厅也就应运而生,它为现代快节奏的生活方式以及人们在工作之余可以享受自然的气息提供了场所。现代社会的人们习惯了城市的喧嚣和快节奏的生活,很少有时间和精力去感受大自然,所以在本次设计中我们主要体现追求高品质生活和生态化用餐环境在设计中的应用,因此我们选择了极具自然特点的沙漠作为主题餐厅来进行设计。66914


Abstract: In the rapid development of the global economy today, the food industry thriving for the modern lifestyle provides more life pursuit. Followed by the theme restaurant gradually into people's perspective, it is unique cultural features and distinctive themes attracted many consumers. Now environmental pollution, ecological deterioration, people tried to in the hustle and bustle of the big cities looking for fresh air naturally, at this time of the original ecological characteristics of theme restaurants also came into being. It is the fast pace of modern life style and people in the work can enjoy the natural atmosphere provides a place. In modern society, people used to the hustle and bustle of the city and the fast pace of life, there is little time and energy to the feelings of nature, so in this design we mainly embodies the pursuit of high-quality living and ecological environment in the design application of dining, so we chose a very natural characteristics of the desert as a theme of the restaurant design. 

Key words:Lifestyle, natural, natural, theme restaurant 

目   录

1 背景介绍 3

2 设计目的意义 3

3 设计方案概述 3

3.1 设计思路 4

3.2 设计内容 4

3.2.1 空间布局 4

3.2.2 灯光设计 6

4 创新与不足 8

结 语 9

整套作品展示 10

参考文献 11

致 谢 12

1 背景介绍


主题餐厅文化在淮安还没有被广泛推广。如今随着淮安人民生活的水平逐渐提高,人们对生活享受也逐渐重视,主题餐厅不仅可以满足消费者对于美食基本的需要,也可以提供更多感官上的享受,所以将主题式餐厅在淮安推广是非常可行的。文献综述 “风情沙漠”主题餐厅空间设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_74977.html
