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时间:2021-02-11 19:15来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词: GUI设计;游戏社区;界面;用户体验  

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title        Game Club GUI design       

Abstract As the rapid development of mobile electronic devices and the booming of mobile-internet, people’s way of entertainment has been electronized and mobilized. This paper tries to analize the weakness of game community products from the aspect of visual image and user exerience, explore the impacts that visual graph and interaction design have on man-machine experience, and find out the balance of proportion between visual graph and inter-moves. 

Nowadays, probloms do exist in the game community products, such as rough interface, no fixed visual style and so on, which makes these games less functional. By the way of investigating the user group and costomer needs, comparing the similar products, the author is awared of audience and their habby attached to game community, so that we can design the function and personized visual image of the products according to their needs. Also we can improve the products from the aspects of utility and vision, and intergrate functions like source gathering, community friend-link, information sharing, so that the audience needs could be satisfied, costomers-viscosity could be enhanced and user experience could be improved.

Keywords  GUI design;Gaming community;Interface;User Experience

目 次

1  绪论 1

1.1  课题来源 1

1.2  游戏社区的研究背景和研究现状 2

1.3  设计目的及创新点 3

2  课题设计研究 3

2.1  理论依据 3

2.2  App界面设计的视觉元素 4

2.3 调研分析 5

2.4 “玩家团”视觉风格定位 7

3. 设计过程 9

3.1 制定功能分层 9

3.2 线框设计草图 9

3.3  “玩家团”ICON设计 10

3.4 初始页设计 13

3.5  UI元素 15

3.6 界面布局 16

3.7  交互动作设计 23

3.8  交互流程图 25

3.9 宣传网站 25

3.10 设计展示 27

结 论 29

致 谢 “玩家团”GUI设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_69661.html
