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时间:2022-01-16 12:01来源:毕业论文

摘  要标志设计作为一种高度概括的图形表达形式,它是地域的文化内涵和文化寓意的集中体现。地域文化是当地自然地理背景及悠久历史条件下形成的文化,具有很强的可识别性,将其运用在标志设计中,则强化了标志的识别性。标志设计会受到其地域文化的影响,优秀的标志不是单一形态美,而是深厚的文化沉淀。一个拥有强大吸引力的旅游标志,能够充分结合地域文化特色,挖掘地域文化的丰富内涵,将标志深入人心。本文分析了标志设计在现实生活中广泛的应用,以实例说明了地域文化为标志设计提供创作素材、增加了标志设计差异性和表达形式等。最后,结合地域的文化寓意和文化内涵,阐述创造具有地域特色、地域个性、和文化内涵的标志设计是设计发展的趋势。77052


On regional culture in logo design

Abstract Logo design, as a kind of highly summarized graphic expression, it is more concentrated and profound in the regional cultural implication and cultural connotation。 Regional culture is a cultural tradition which is formed under the background of local natural geography and its long history。 It has strong recognition ability, and it is used in logo design。 Logo design will be affected by its regional culture, and the success of the logo is not only required to form the United States, but also have a profound cultural heritage。 An attractive tourist sign, which can fully combine the regional features, excavate the connotation of regional culture, will mark the people。 First of all, this paper analyzes the logo design in the real life of a wide range of applications, focusing on the design of the logo design and APEC logo conference in West Lake, Hangzhou and the relevant discussion。 Subsequently, the Shanxi tourism logo design, Qingdao, the logo design and Hangzhou city logo design as an example illustrates the regional culture as the logo design creative material, increase the logo design differences and expression form。 Finally, this paper argues that the combination of regional culture and cultural connotation, to create a personalized, geographical features and cultural connotation of the logo design is the inevitable trend of the development of the design

Key words: logo design;  regional culture;  relationship

目  录

摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

一、标志的表现形式 1

二、标志在地域文化中的体现 1

三、地域文化为标志设计提供灵感的源泉 3

(一) 地域文化为标志设计提供创作素材 3

(二) 地域文化增加了标志设计的差异性和表达形式 3

(三) 地域文化强化了标志设计的内涵 4

参考文献 6


标志也称为徽标或者LOGO,它是时代进步的产物。以简洁美观的造型、丰富的内涵、巧妙地构思向大众直观地传达一定的内涵及形象,从而在大众脑海中留下最为深刻的印记。在商业文化飞速发展的今天,标志设计随处可见,无论是在公共场所还是私人生活空间,它逐渐的融入人们的生活,并越来越受到大众的重视。地域文化包含了物质文化及精神文化等重要元素,即该地区的民风民俗、宗教信仰、自然环境、人工建筑、区域经济等因素,也有研究认为,地域文化是在某个特定的空间内,经过时间的洗礼所演变发展,由特定人群的思维模式和行为模式所形成的精神文化现象。地域文化的形成是以地理环境为背景,并且各种因素相互影响和融合,因而具有鲜明地域的烙印。论文网 标志设计中的地域文化:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_88489.html
