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时间:2021-01-27 19:45来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:楷书  基础  行草学习

Abstract:Calligraphy undergraduate learning emphasizes students their subject professional knowledge to master the systematic and comprehensive. On the basis of learning cursive style of choice is a regular script or transferred to disputed, but the author thinks that, the basis of college calligraphy professional undergraduate course learning style should concentrate on the study and research of regular script. Although regular script to learn effective slow, but the official script pen is simple, the seal character recognition takes a long time, the running script on the pen and the principle of regular script is basically consistent, running script is fast to write regular script, so the nexus of contracts with regular script principles also has many similarities. And regular script and cursive script also have in common.The purpose of this paper is to previous research data and combining the theory of ancient Chinese calligraphy education, with "of nationalities" on the basis of this view, the basis of analyzing the regular script, especially in cursive plays the fundamental role of the learning process, finally it is concluded that regular script as the basis of calligraphy majors learn the meaning of, for our professional study provide some useful theoretical support.

Key word: Kaishu,foundation , good grass study

目   录

1 绪论 4

2 行草学习以何种书体为基础的历史认识4


2.2“以篆隶为基础”的观点 6

3 与篆隶相比学习行草以楷书为基础的理由7




3.4 与篆隶相比,楷书用笔与结体跟草书中的部分符号有相通之处12

4当代大学生正确对待楷书学习 13

结论 16


致谢 18

附录一综合类院校培养方案 19

附录二师范类院校培养方案 20

附录三艺术类院校培养方案 21

1 绪论


目前,当代中国的书法教育已形成了较为完善的教育体系,书法作为一门艺术学科从小学、中学、专科、本科硕士、博士点的趋势逐年增多,取得了显著的成绩。根据高校类型的不同特点,逐渐形成了不同的发展模式,主要分为三大类,一类是艺术类院校(如中国美术学院),一类属于师范类院校(如首都师范大学),一类属于综合类院校(如聊城大学)的书法教育。这三类院校的培养目标都在强调现代教学的科学性,目的都是培养出一批经过严格训练的科班人才,但教学大纲却不同。书法本科专业的课程设置是高校书法教学研究的一个重要课题,在专业课程设置中,基础书体的选择对专业学生的学习以及为今后的创作和就业提供着重要的支撑作用。不少学书者认为应选择楷书作为基础,也有不少学者认为应该选择篆隶为基础,但就其原因没有具体的理论分析。 与篆隶比较行草学习应以楷书为基础:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_69019.html
