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时间:2020-11-17 21:32来源:毕业论文


Abstract:With the city's economic development, the number of quality urban commercial street reflects the public a requirement for life. First commercial pedestrian street in the city center area of important public buildings, commercial and cultural life of service facilities on the lot, which means that its position is generally the busiest street in the city, while the surrounding streets are generally these modern high-rise building based, so the green landscape design should pay attention to how to make the green landscape in harmony with the surrounding environment [7]. Secondly, it is designed for a pedestrian and prohibit all road vehicle traffic, so pedestrian malls Greenbelt users are mainly based on a walking tour, slower, in the design of the landscape should be treated more delicate. Therefore, commercial pedestrian street landscape design green design and general road has a large difference [5]. Such as Taiyuan Street, Dalian, Shenyang, Tianjin Street, and the like. In addition, there are some streets only allows partial or short bus timed by the formation of transitional and incomplete pedestrian walking street, such as Beijing Wangfujing Street, Qianmen Street, Nanjing Road, Shanghai, and Shenyang in the street.

毕业论文关键词:“商业街”  “现代”  “商业主题” “雅生活”  “慢生活”  




   1.2.1 总规划用地面积:32,293 平方米商用,2,662平方米停车场。



   1.2.3 根据场地用地概况,结合任务书要求进行设计。

全面利用所学知识,合理解决与本设计有关的理论与技术问题,综合提高建筑设计、环境设计的能力,并能遵循功能合理、技术先进、经济适用、造型美观的设计原则,从实际出发,正确立意,进行创造性构思,力求建筑与环境融为一体,相得益彰。建筑类别:商业建筑;建筑设计使用年限: 50年;耐火等级:一级。

2、方案技术要求: 生活时尚中心设计步行商业街绿地景观的设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_65011.html
