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时间:2019-08-18 16:00来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 观光农业;渔业;设计
Creative Agriculture Valley in Xuyi——Plan and Design of the water ecological fishery sightseeing demonstration area                                                                                                
Abstract: Along with the social development, urban parks and recreation of the ordinary scenic area has been unable to meet people's growing demand. As a new form of park system , tourism agriculture park can not only meet people's recreation need but also produce a large number of agriculture, forestry and fishery products and produce high economic benefits. The Valley of Jiangsu Xuyu creative agriculture makes use of its advantageous natural conditions and geographical location to develop its sightseeing agriculture garden area .This design is based on the field situation of fishery sightseeing area of responsible for landscape design planning.
Key words: Leisure Agriculture Park;Fishery;Design

摘要    - 4 -
关键词    - 4 -
前言    - 5 -
1综述    - 5 -
1.1相关概念定义    - 5 -
1.2我国观光农业园区发展历程    - 5 -
1.3国内外相关理论及研究    - 6 -
1.4.当下农业园规划存在的问题    - 6 -
1.4.1缺乏相关上级部门的总体规划,各个农业园呈现无序发展的态势    - 6 -
1.4.2农业园区选址欠周    - 6 -
1.4.3园内项目设置雷同没有特色    - 6 -
1.4.4建设时缺乏对基地现状的尊重,破坏了其园区内的农业生产本质    - 7 -
1.4.5缺乏相关的规划理论指导其可持续发展    - 7 -
1.5.发展建议    - 7 -
2 规划设计说明    - 7 -
2.1项目概况    - 7 -
2.2基址(调研)分析    - 7 -
2.2.1规划范围    - 7 -
2.2.2 宏观区位    - 7 -
2.2.3场地周边分析场    - 7 -
2.2.4现有优势    - 7 -
2.3规划目标、原则、依据    - 8 -
2.3.1规划目标    - 8 -
2.3.2规划原则    - 8 -
2.3.3规划依据    - 9 -
2.4规划设计概念构思    - 10 -
2.4.1规划定位    - 10 -
2.4.2龙虾生长条件及习性    - 10 -
2.4.3稻虾共养系统的设计要求    - 10 -
2.4.4 项目区位    - 10 -
2.4.5场地现状用地    - 10 -
2.4.6规划思路    - 10 -
2.5总体设计    - 10 -
2.5.1规划布局    - 10 -
2.5.2功能分区    - 10 -
2.5.3道路交通    - 11 - 水乡生态渔业观光示范区规划设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_37823.html