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时间:2019-01-19 20:17来源:毕业论文

摘要中国传统园林景观从滥觞时期开始,便和植物结缘,经过漫长的发展历程,植物及其园林景观中凝结了丰富而深厚的文化内涵。植物在园林中除了营构优美的环境外,又是人们寄寓丰富文化信息的载体及托物言志的媒介。中国古典园林的深远意境与丰富的植物文化分不开。作为中华民族文化的基本成分,植物文化的形成离不开中国传统文化这块沃土。[ ]
毕业论文关键词: 植物文化 中西古典园林 庭院植物 造园风格 景观设计
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title  The embodiment of the courtyard landscape plants cultural connotation                                                         
Chinese traditional landscape since starting period, and the plants become attached to, after a long development course, plants and landscape in the condensation rich and profound cultural connotation. Plants in the garden besides constructed beautiful environment, is people embodies rich cultural information carrier and medium of artislic way. The profound artistic conception in Chinese classical garden and rich plant culture. As the basic composition of the Chinese nation culture, the formation of the culture of plant and inseparable from the fertile soil of Chinese traditional culture.
This article through to the traditional Chinese cultural thoughts origin of plants on the basis of learning, but hope can arouse people to the attention of the courtyard landscape plant culture, and have an overall knowledge of Chinese and western classical garden plant culture, the main purpose is to combine the modern way of life and spiritual needs, feelings of a historical retrospection to the plant, to embrace park keep a advocate return to true spiritual life.
Keywords  Plant culture  Chinese and western classical gardens  Garden plants  Gardening style  The landscape design.
目   次
1      绪论1
1.1    课题来源1
1.2    研究目的1
1.3    研究现状2
1.4    预期结果与意义2
2      中外植物配置形式和内涵比较2
2.1    国内植物配置形式和内涵3
2.2    国外植物配置形式和内涵5
3      国人对植物情源形成探究6
3.1    传统哲学思想6
3.2    国人对植物情源的影响7
4      案例分析——“南京仙林翠谷北地块”  8
4.1    项目概况8
4.2    研究现状分析8
4.2.1  有利因素8
4.2.2  不利因素8
4.3    设计构思9
4.4    整体设计9
4.5    设计总结10
结论   11
致谢   12
参考文献   13
1  绪论
随着人们对人居环境的重视,庭院景观的设计对居者来说尤为重要。庭院不再仅是作为建筑的附属部分满足视觉美学上的享受和充当外部炫耀的资本。庭院更多的是要满足业主对庭院空间舒适性以及各种功能的需求。 庭院景观中植物文化内涵的体现:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_29780.html