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时间:2018-12-15 19:51来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:    绘画形式 油画创作  情感表达 情感融合 
 On the emotional expression of painting creation
Abstract:     Painting originated in the West, it has a long history. From Neoclassicism to Impressionism, painting has many manifestations, but realistic oil painting in the form of enduring forever, is a basic way of painting is a creative method, is an art technique. But it can never be a modern camera, photography replaced. It as an art form is an important part of the formation and development of the art of painting.Oil painting from its birth until today, as a visual art form it is not just a recording of the screen, but the artist with its unique language of painting exhibit is intended to express thoughts and feelings, ideas, creativity and the painting in the picture as a medium to reflect the real world. Emotional expression is a very important factor in the oil painting, the artist is a fusion of emotion. The emotional performance is often provided the impetus for the painting. Through the creation of emotion and its effect on oil painting, he stressed the importance of freedom of expression and to express emotion in the painting process.
Keywords:   form of painting           oil paintings
       emotional expression          emotional integration
摘要    i
Abstract    ii
目录    iii
1油画创作内容的情感表现    2
1.1    题材决定论    2
1.2  题材无差别论    3
2    油画创作中线条的情感表现    4
2.1    线条情感的自然表现    5
2.2    线条情感的艺术表现    6
3    油画创作中色彩的情感表现    7
3.1    色彩的表现性    7
3.2    色彩的象征性    8

致谢    11
参考文献    12
1    绪论
本文通过研究油画创作中情感表现,来表达情感对绘画创作的重要性,使人们能够重视到情感对于绘画起着至关重要的作用。在现在的创作过程中,人们往往会忽略情感对绘画创作所起到的作用。情感可以通过画面的内容、线条、色彩这三个方面来获得表达,而这三个方面也拥有着自己不同的表达方式。我们应该自由的在画面中抒发自己真实的情感,而不是被条条框框所压抑住,这样才能赋予画面一定的生命力。古今中外那些成功的画家的作品都是他们自己情感与画面的成功融合,我们应该发现自己的问题,不断地向前辈们吸取经验并多加练习来解决自己画面上所发生的问题,将自己的真情流露表现于画作之上,呈现出具有生命力的作品。 浅谈油画创造中的情感表现:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_27681.html