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时间:2018-09-13 20:45来源:毕业论文

Central Park, Taoyuan New District , Hangzhou
Sketch and pavement landscape design
Abstract: River as a city of origin, production and development of the city and has a close relationship, the cross-strait has extremely rich urban resources, long history and culture and beautiful natural environment. Urban riverfront green space as a garden city is the most active and ecological sensitivity the highest part, rivers of urban sustainable development and urban water resources sustainable development has a important significance. Waterfront greenbelt construction not only to pay attention to visual effect, we should pay more attention to the protection of natural ecology, and continue the history and culture of the city.
Investigation and analysis by the planning and design, the theoretical basis of literature and theoretical research methods, comprehensive landscape planning and design, landscape ecology and other subjects, system analysis of the status quo, according to the local environment, through system planning and design, classical gardens through this method to create a do not have the charm of the riverside green space, construction and the natural ecological balance place for leisure.
Keywords: green space; modern design; coordination
1引言    4
1.1设计依据     4
1.2设计原则    4
1.3设计目的    5
2背景资料与理论基础    5
2.1背景资料    5
2.2理论基础    6
3基地现状    7
3.1区位概况    7
3.2基地调研    7
4设计理念与目的    7
4.1设计理念    7
4.2设计要点    8
5结束语    8
5.1设计内容    8
5.2设计方法    9
致谢     9
参考文献    10
 1. 引言
1)    杭州市绿地设计规程(DBJ08-15-89)
2)    园林基本术语标准(CJJ/T91-2002 J217-2002)
3)    河港工程总体设计规范(JTJ212-2006)
4)    城市防洪工程设计规范(CJJ50-92)
5)    公园设计规划CJJ 48—92
6)    城市绿地设计规范GB 50420-2007
7)    城市绿化工程施工及验收规范CJJ/T-99
8)    城市规划基本术语标准GBT50280-98
1.    功能性原则
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