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时间:2024-01-20 13:39来源:毕业论文

摘 要:“围炉瓦舍”这个书吧设计灵感来源于王永彬的围炉夜话,围炉意为寒夜围着火炉或与好友畅谈文艺,或默默然无一言,瓦舍原为古时的一种民间艺术演出场所,现意为一种繁荣昌盛之地,各种思想在这里产生碰撞,代表这间书吧是精神上的寄居地与灵魂的避难所。古人认为雪夜拥被读书和围炉夜话乃人生的两件乐事,那么在现代城市的快节奏生活下,可以有一间这样的书吧为人们减压。所以本案通过对围炉瓦舍的空间设计,主要以以人为本的理念,从空间规划,材质选择,色彩搭配上给人营造一种舒适纯净的感觉,让读者在这里得到充分的放松和享受。93154



Abstract:"New house" of this book inspired by the Wang Bin, he was lucky The meaning of the fire for the night around the fire or with friends to talk about literature and art, Or so without a word, The decadency of the original as a kind of folk art venues in ancient times, It is intended as a land of prosperity, produced by the collision of ideas here, on behalf of this book is the land of the spirit and soul of the refuge。 The ancients believed that snowy night wrapped in a quilt to read and he was lucky to the pleasure of life, So in the modern fast-paced life of the city, there can be a book for people like decompression。 So in this case established by the space design of the decadency of the fire, From the spatial planning, material selection, color collocation to create a comfortable and pure feeling, let the reader here and fully relax and enjoy。 The change of the spatial hierarchy, For example, the design of the entrance of irregular, Break the routine, There is a split-level design into a book, The design of two-layer high, more logs and bamboo materials in the material close to nature, light in color, and supplemented by white, clean and comfortable feeling to people。

Keywords:People-oriented, creativity, book design

目   录 

1。前言 1

2。项目背景 1

2。1周边环境 1

2。2面向人群 2

3设计的目的和意义 2

4 方案概述 2

4。1设计思路 3

4。2设计方法 3

5。设计内容 3

  5。1元素的文化内涵 3

5。2空间平面的合理利用与设计 4

5。3材质的属性感受 5

5。4照明与色彩的应用 6

6。设计创新与不足 7

结论 8

参考文献 9

致谢 10

附录作品完成稿 11


随着社会的发展,人们在满足了物质的基础上,对精神境界的追求也越来越多了,以人为本的设计理念便是以人为中心,设计是为人服务的,符合人的使用标准,使人在这个空间能够与环境相互融洽,在这个快节奏的城市生活中,人们偶尔想要放松一下,或独自一人静静享受午后时光,或与好友结伴而行畅聊人生,或与读书爱好者共同分享交流,远离城市的喧嚣,充实自己的精神世界;这里不像图书馆那么枯燥乏味,然而书吧就不同了,书吧是把图书馆,咖啡店,茶馆等特点结合起来,成为一个可以边看书边聊天边喝茶,为人们提供看书环境的休闲场所。在可以为人们提供一个良好舒适的阅读环境的同时,还可以为顾客提供一些美味的简餐和饮品等,配合舒缓的音乐放松身心。 围炉瓦舍创意书吧室内空间设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_200955.html
