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时间:2023-12-31 11:10来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The "Huang family wealth" is also known as the "HuangQuan Painting"。 He was founded by Huang, whose son Huang JuBao and Huang JuCai were able to develop their family style。 Huang Quan superb techniques, the picture drawn with more wealth, on vivid, image lifelike, be particular about the picture of the joy of life, painting ShuangGou colouring, drawing style richly, color is bright, satisfy the adornment of the palace noble taste and environment, the royal for Huang Quan painting, so there is "the Huang Gufu expensive", so the five dynasties judge the highest standards of west sichuan art academies is to "yellow house painting"。 In the first and second chapters of this article, the story of huang's life and the background of The Times; The third section analyzes the artistic characteristics of "huang jia fu GUI" from the content of the picture and color analysis。 In the fourth section, the influence of "huang jia fu GUI" on the flower and bird paintings of the song dynasty was studied from the point of use, color and technique。 Finally, the influence of "huang jia fu GUI" on the art characteristics of song dynasty flowers and birds was summarized。

Key words: Huang Quan ,Song Dynasty, the flower and bird painting

目  录

引言 4

1 黄筌生平 4

2 “黄家富贵”的时代背景 4

3 “黄家富贵”的艺术特色 4

3。1 形象逼真生趣 4

3。2 设色华丽生动 5

4 “黄家富贵”对宋代花鸟画影响 6

4。1 取材上多为名花、瑞鸟 6

4。2 设色上富丽华贵 6

4。3 画法上笔致工细、对景写生 7

结论 9

参考文献 10

致谢 11


说起宋代花鸟画,不得不提的就是黄筌。“黄家富贵,徐熙野逸”俨然已经成为了一个时代的标志,它创造了宋代花鸟画的辉煌,独特的画风为宋代院体花鸟画的发展奠定了基础。本文以“黄家画派”中的黄筌为例深入研究 “黄家画派”对宋代花鸟画的影响。

1 黄筌生平论文网

黄筌,五代西蜀画家。黄筌小时候就很聪明,在13岁时拜刁光胤为师,学习画花鸟,又以滕昌祐为师,学习画蝉、蝶,还学习了李升的山水,薛稷的鹤,同时还绘画人物、墨竹,早期以工笔画而得名,但最突出的还是花鸟画,并担任了当时的画院主管,一直做到御史大夫兼检校户部尚书。后来五代灭亡,到了宋朝,黄筌进入宫廷画院,担任“太子左赞善大夫”,他将自己的画风带入画院,在长达一个世纪的时间里,他的画风成为了北宋早期宫廷花鸟画风的主流 。他画的珍禽瑞兽造型生动,羽翼丰满,用色鲜艳,笔致工细,犹如行云流水般,一气呵成,画面形象生趣。后来宋人郭若虚将五代南唐的徐熙与他并称为“黄家富贵,徐熙野逸”,“黄家富贵”的名号由此而来。 黄家富贵对宋代花鸟画的影响:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_200135.html
