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时间:2024-01-06 10:41来源:毕业论文

摘 要:本论文的写作目的主要是对以“禅”为主题的偏中式的茶文化空间设计进行的探索和讨论。




Abstract:The purpose of this thesis is to explore and discuss the space design of tea culture with the theme of "Zen"。

This graduation thesis involves a lot of space design and application of knowledge and related research。 These include: the analysis of the geographical location, the analysis of the consumer groups, the analysis of the flat structure of the store, the analysis of the design orientation, the analysis of the design functional area, and the analysis of the route design。来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766

Through the completion of this graduation design to draw many conclusions。 There are a lot of design, a good space to contain the contents such as the patency of the road line, reasonable pision store functional area, level lights will give people the sense and sense of decoration, soft and hard mounted on the same theme of harmony。 Only from the point of view to think, to learn, to study, and the effective combination of prominent personality, out of the ordinary, can better meet the talent shows itself more and more consumer groups, the combination of ornamental and practical, to create greater economic value。

Keywords:Zen, Chashe, Chinese style, space design

目  录

前言 1

2  设计背景 1

2.1  地理位置分析 1

2.2  消费群体分析 1

2.3  平面布局分析 2

3  设计目标 2

3.1  设计定位 2

3.2  设计目的及意义 3

4  设计概述 3

4.1  名字由来 3

4.2  设计思路 4

4.3  设计元素 6

5  设计内容 6

5.1  路线分析 7

5.2  空间划分 8

6  创新与不足分析 10

结  论 12

参 考 文 献 13

致  谢 14


我的毕业创作是一个以禅文化为主题的上下两层,临街而立的茶舍。作为一个茶舍,喝茶,养生是一个目的,其主要目的是为了盈利,而能够带动人群消费的不仅仅要有过硬的“茶”质量本身,以及繁琐而讲究的煮茶工序,人们也越来越注重追求环境所带给的视觉冲击力以及感官体验,寓情于景,在雅致的环境中品一杯茶,就让全世界都静下来,再静一点;就让时间慢下来,再慢一点。这是我所理解的禅为主题的新中式风格的茶舍。 “禅”子渔茶舍室内空间设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_200296.html
