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时间:2023-12-13 22:11来源:毕业论文



Abstract:This article through to in the development of contemporary Chinese painting photography, mainly on the analysis of the new painting photographer Sun Jun, calculated the idyllic scenery photography in China’s future development direction of more persified and more nationalization。 The progress of science and technology promote the development of the photography, the different understanding of idyllic scenery photography will be different, but the

pursuit of art, the pursuit of beauty is mutually。 Idyllic scenery photography is not a simple imitation of “painting”, rather than through the aesthetic form of artistic expression, using language charm and shooting skills of photography, and combined with the feeling of the photographer, discovery and understanding ability, and to express the heart of the photographer ideas and thoughts。 Through changes in the form of the language and expression of photography, in the picture content brought the painting style and artistic conception, give a person visual pleasure and ideological infection, so as to make people get beautiful enjoyment and art experience, and the pursuit of beauty in art。

Keywords:In painting photography, Sun Jun, future development

1引言 3

2画意摄影在当代中国的产生与发展 3

2。1画意摄影的出现 3

2。2画意摄影在中国的发展与挑战 4

2。3画意摄影在中国的代表人物 5

3中国新生画意摄影师孙郡的源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 摄影风格 6

3。1摄影与中国工笔画相结合 6

3。2时尚元素与中国元素相结合 7

3。3在继承传统的基础上与时代接轨 9

4画意摄影在当代中国的现实意义 10

4。1中国风的回潮 10

4。2中国传统文化的继承与发展 10

4。3画意摄影多元化 11

4。2画意摄影民族化 11


参考文献 13

致谢 14


前段时间新生画意摄影师孙郡为邓超一家拍摄的全家福刷爆朋友圈,照片中特有的中国风特色不禁让人眼前一亮。大人在笑,孩子在闹,既有画面美又有意境美。而这就是画意摄影在当代中国的代表。来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766 画意摄影在当代中国的发展孙郡的作品为例:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_199576.html
