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时间:2018-06-19 20:11来源:毕业论文

 Literati paintings of mountains and rivers in the decoration of indoor partition
Literati paintings, also called literati paintings, it is made clear that sit is the literati class, the ancient scholars refers to bureaucracy. This class of painting expression in ink. Literati paintings is the senior intellectuals in politics of wisdom and the thought of the elite, with books,,, thought to frame up a kind of formal beauty. Later by the literati class to the society, from amateur to professional, increasing in the framework of the original poems, seal, and many other factors, formed the continued expansion of aesthetic ontology.
In indoor function space pision, we would use the various \"partition\". Different forms of disjunctive space partition can make a difference in the degree of separation. The form and function of partition is various, partition in the indoor design must first clear partition is used in interior design in order to achieve a what, also is the need to achieve a kind of separating degree, based on the specific form of space needs to choose the appropriate partition. Furniture space on the function of space can be done by a variety of ways, partition is one of them.
Keywords:  Traditional Chinese painting; Literati paintings; Indoor partition decoration; using
一、绪论 4
(一)课题研究的动机 4
二、文人画的发展及其基本特征 4
(一)文人画的形成和要素 4
(二)文人画的艺术特征 5
三、作品的展示 5
四、浅析中国古代艺术中的方与圆 6
(一)中国古代方,圆思想 6
(二)方、圆思想在古代造物中的运用 6
(三)方与圆在现代设计中的启示 7
五、创造思考 8
(一)山水文人画在室内装饰中的运用 8
结论 9
参考文献  10
致谢  11

(一)    课题研究的动机
文人画也是中国画,是将诗书、画、印融为一体的一种综合性艺术。是画家多方面素养的集中体现,尤其是和书法的关系更为密切。书法中的点、线和笔画间组合不但构成了艺术形象的基本元素,具有独立审美价值的欣赏对象,运笔的疾徐轻重,点线的疏密、粗细,所形成的特有的节奏和韵律,画家常常把自己对事物的一种认识和理解融进所画的物体之中,重墨轻色,舍形求意,使构图与所画,物体的形状能够直抒胸臆,令人别开生面,耳目一新。而且能够体现出画家创作过程中特有的心态、气质和个性,并将这些事物有机的组合起来,做到心手相应,气力相合,笔断意连、笔不周而意周的境界。文人画的发展和研究经历了上千年,并一直延续到今天从未间断过。家具隔断就是既能承担家具的功能又能起到隔断居室的作用的家具。屏风隔断的特点是小巧轻便,可随意挪动,多样化色,想放哪儿就放哪儿。玻璃隔断明亮、通透,有拓展空间的作用,面积较小的房间也适合。布袋、沙幔等都属于布衣隔断,具有容易悬挂、容易改变的特点。在现代的室内设计中,为了实现各个空间的相互交流与共融,某一个居室往往被赋予了多重功能。隔断不仅能区分空间的不同功能,还能增强空间的层次感,或是达到美化空间的作用。常所说的室内隔断,准确地说是指使用于室内分隔空间的,非承重的,具有多种功能的,可拆装的成品隔断墙产品,因此与其称为室内隔断。 山水文人画在室内隔断装饰中的运用:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_17907.html