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时间:2023-11-25 19:57来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Mr Liu Jiyou 20th century Chinese painting is a famous traditional Chinese painters, his artistic career for 50 years, the historiography in the painting career, life, god for all things  his artistic innovation on the basis of the traditional, works from life but higher than life。 Animal is the Liu Jiyou family, this article will from Liu Jiyou painting educational background and experience, features and performance skills in the evolution of the animal paintings in different periods, composition form, etc to analyze the artistic features of his animal theme paintings。

Through the writing of the thesis, focusing on Liu Jiyou art direction and animal painting technique of the performance review and summarize, development of the animal paintings in different periods of painting style has a more comprehensive understanding。

Key words: liu ji-you, animal painting, artistic characteristics

1 引言 4

2 刘继卣先生简介 4

3 刘继卣动物画的艺术特色 5

3。1 刘继卣动物画不同时期的绘画风格 5

3。11 早期——精致写实的工笔 5

3。12 中期——兼工带写的小写意 6

3。13 晚期——豪放泼墨的大写意 7

3。2 刘继卣动物画表现技巧 8

3。21 平淡天真的设色技巧 8

3。22 简洁凝练的装饰背景 8

3。23 劈笔丝毛的独创技法 9

结语 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12

1 引言


杰出的中国画家刘继卣先生是中国近现代美术史上卓有成就的动物画、人物画一代宗师。近年来,“津门画派”研究的开展,使该派重要的代表人物刘继卣先生日益受到重视,他将中、西绘画技法融为一体,为中国画的发展开辟了一条新路,他的动物画创作具有形神兼备的个性风格,对动物画艺术的发展做出了重大贡献。本文对其动物画艺术进行梳理和分析,对他的艺术成就进行理论的研究和总结。 刘继卣动物画不同时期的绘画风格和表现技巧:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_198959.html
