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时间:2020-04-27 21:23来源:英语论文
A Comparative Study of Self Error Correction and Face-to-face Error Correction in Middle School English Teaching,英语论文初中英语教学中独立完成作业订正和师生面订的对比分析研究

A Comparative Study of Self Error Correction and Face-to-face Error Correction in Middle School English Teaching

Abstract Error correction is the fundamental construction of English assignments. Among various forms of error correction, this study focuses on self error correction and face-to-face error correction (between teachers and students). In this paper, It will be first discussed the reason why students should do error correction, and then try to list some different forms of error correction in current situation and finally draw the significance of error correction according to literature review and a questionnaire survey. 58285

Due to the wildly-used of face-to-face error correction in Baochu Pagoda Experimental School, I decided to discuss whether face-to-face error correction is better than self error correction. Then I designed a questionnaire and made some inpidual interviews to deeper discuss these two forms of error correction. As for the self error correction, it can help students find out what they have already mastered, what they still confuse about and what difficulties for them to understand and grasp are. Moreover, it’s an important method to cultivate students’ inpidual thinking and form a habit of self knowledge reconsolidation. Yet for those students who are short of language knowledge, self error correction may not be the suitable form for them, so teachers should pay more attention on them and give some guidance. About face-to-face error correction, teachers can be able to explain some difficult language points in various ways according to different students so that they can help to solve the problems at once. Besides, face-to-face error correction can also contribute to meliorate teachers’ classroom teaching and adjust teaching schedule. However, because of the limitation of the time and space, the disadvantages of face-to-face error correction still exist in daily teaching. For instance, the carelessness of students and the neglect of self knowledge reconsolidation are two vital reasons of why face-to-face error correction can’t achieve its expected effect.

As a result, since each form of error correction has its own advantages and disadvantages, teachers should try their best to overcome one's weaknesses by acquiring another's strong points and then choose a proper form of error correction according to specific type of students and different circumstance. 

Keywords: self error correction, face-to-face error correction, effectiveness, comparison



对于学生独立完成作业订正,这种方式能够让学生看到自己错在什么地方,自己欠缺在哪儿,并能够培养学生独立思考的能力和知识点再巩固的习惯。同时这种订正方式的限制条件比较少,没有太多时间和空间的限制,学生能够在任意可利用的时间完成该项订正。但是,也存在一些问题,一些学生可能会为了订正而订正,没有用心或是直接将正确答案抄在作业本上。而且,学生的能力是有限的,在学习的过程中,他们不可能都能够凭借自己的能力完成错误订正。对于师生面订来说,老师能够根据学生的反应调整讲解的速度和方法,进而能帮助学生更好地理解自己为什么错,错在哪里和怎样改正自己错误,这样对于学生知识点的掌握和巩固都有很大帮助。但是在师生面订过后,学生还是会不断地犯相似的错误:一是因为时间限制问题,老师不得不加快面订速度,导致学生有事难以及时掌握;二是学生在面订时没有认真且没有实话实话,不懂装懂,或是由于性格问题想要速战速决,反而降低了面订的效率;三是学生在面订后没有进行再次巩固,导致在面订时理解的内容随时间的消逝而不断遗忘。 初中英语教学中独立完成作业订正和师生面订的对比分析研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_50707.html
