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时间:2020-01-17 09:31来源:英语论文
The Comparison of Family Culture Between China and America: Taking Pushing Hands as an Example英语论文电影《推手》中美家庭文化对比

Acknowledgments I would like to express my appreciation to a number of people for their invaluable assistance in preparation and development of this thesis.

Firstly, I would like to thanks to who has offered me valuable advices in the academic research. In the process of preparations, she has spent much time reading through my whole paper and provided me with inspiring suggestions. Even during the vacation and spare time, she also give me instant reply. Without her patient guidance, the completion of this paper would not have been possible.44116

    Secondly, I also owe a gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose careful teaching I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the paper.

    Finally, I should express my gratitude to my parents, without their loving consideration and supporting, I would not have energy to solve the problem and complete my study.

 The Comparison of Family Culture Between China and America :Taking Pushing Hands as an Example

Abstract   Family refers to the living unit of the society among relatives which is a production on the basis of marriage relationship, blood relationship and the adoptive relationship. Culture is a system related to the relationship between people and people, people and nature, people and concepts. And family culture is one of the important parts of culture. With the advancement of the step of globalization, China and America as the typical representatives of eastern and western civilization, the cultural communication is increasingly closed. However, the history, geography, culture, religion and language differences result in the frequent friction in cross-cultural communication. Different family culture will directly affect the social communication, therefore it is necessary to compare the different family culture in China and America.

This paper selects the excellent movie Pushing Hands directed by Ang Lee as an entry point to discuss the differences and the relative reasons of family culture between China and America in order to provide some suggestions of the development of Chinese family culture. The first part discusses the relationship between personality and family, and this paper refers that China emphasizes the family as a center, while America respects personality. The second part discusses the relationship between parents and children, Chinese families pay attention to the patriarchy, while American families respect the view of children. The third part discusses the different family education, and this part refers the different educational concept and view in the two countries because of the different family culture. The last part analyzes the reasons of the different family culture, including religion, history and patterns of family.

Keywords: family; culture; Pushing Hands; China and America



  本文借由李安导演的优秀电影作品《推手》为切入点,从个人与家庭的关系,父母与孩子的关系以及家庭教育等方面着手论述中美家庭文化的差异所在,并找出差异形成的原因,以求为中国当代家庭文化的发展提供意见。第一章针对个人和家庭的关系进行论述,并指出中国崇尚家本位思想以及美国崇尚个人本位思想;第二章从父母和孩子的关系角度进行对比论述,中国父权思想浓厚,而相对的美国尊重孩子的独立思想;第三章针对家庭中教育观的目的和内容进行比较,指出中美家庭教育观由于两国家庭文化的差异导致两国家庭的父母在教育孩子的目的,方法和内容方面存在着很多的差异论文网;最后一章对中美家庭价值观差异形成的原因做出比较分析"这些原因包括宗教、历史和中美家庭模式等。 电影《推手》中美家庭文化对比:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_45299.html
