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时间:2019-01-01 10:02来源:英语论文
An Analysis of the Phenomena and Skills of Redundant Words in Translation Between English and Chinese英语论文英汉互译中的词汇冗余现象及技巧分析

摘 要据统计,每种语言无论是在形式上还是语意上都有50%左右的冗余度,其中英语的冗余度为67%-80%。在二十世纪优尔十年代,冗余一词进入到翻译领域。在英汉互译时,为了使语言流畅,翻译者有时需要删除冗余信息,有时则需要添加冗余信息。本文结合一些翻译实例,采用分析对比的研究方法,就汉译英中删除冗余词汇,英译汉中添加冗余词汇这两种现象及技巧进行分析。本文表明,在翻译理论和实践中,熟悉冗余现象,掌握添加和删除冗余词汇的技巧能够在一定程度上帮助翻译者解决英汉互译中的一些难题。32142
According to statistics that a language always has 50% redundancy in both its form and meaning, with the redundancy of English being remarkable: 67%-80%. Redundancy was introduced into the scope of translation in the 1960s. Sometimes translators, to make the target language fluent, should delete or add redundant information. This paper will discuss the phenomena and skills of deleting redundant words in Chinese-English translation and adding redundant words in English-Chinese translation by adopting comparative analysis method with specific translation cases. The study of this paper can help translators to solve problems in the process of translation between English and Chinese.
Key words: translation between English and Chinese; redundant information; skills
An Analysis of the Phenomena and Skills of Redundant Words in Translation Between English and Chinese
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II. An Analysis of the Phenomena of Redundant words    2
2.1 Adding Redundant Words    2
2.2 Deleting Redundant Words    6
Ⅲ. Skills of Adding Redundant Words    8
3.1 Adding Words to Express the Meaning Showed by the Inflexional Words of the
Original Text    8
3.2 Adding Words According to the Habits, Culture and Logic    10
3.3 Skills of Adding Omitted Words    10
Ⅳ. Skills of Deleting Redundant Words    11
4.1 Skills of Deleting Redundant Nouns    12
4.2 Skills of Deleting Redundant Verbs    14
4.3 Skills of Deleting Intensifiers    16
Ⅴ. Conclusion    16
Bibliography    18
Acknowledgements    19
I. Introduction
Redundancy originates from the information theory. As defined by Shannon, redundancy is equivalent to increasing certainly, which means that redundancy is the way of transmitting information to get over inevitable errors and help the receivers to get accurate information, or, translators can understand that redundancy is the added parts which are used to assure the correct conversation and comprehension. He Xing holds the same idea with Shannon that redundancy is one important concept in linguistics.
According to the information theory, redundancy information means message loaded by the signal in information system, which can be acquired from others. As time goes on, redundancy was introduced into the scope of linguistics. The definition of it, however, is various on different people. Most people believe the concept is negative and equal to nonsense. So, people struggle to avoid this problem.
It is necessary to comprehend the definition of “redundancy” made by different dictionaries. Webster’s Third New International Definition U says that redundancy is the part of a communication that can be eliminated without loss of essential information. Longman English Dictionary says that redundancy is the part of anything which is superfluous or nonessential, spec. if the part of a message that can be eliminated without loss of essential information. 英汉互译中的词汇冗余现象及技巧分析:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_28586.html