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时间:2020-03-22 10:04来源:英语论文
An Analysis of Obama’s and Bush’s 911 Speeches in the Perspective of Frame Theory,英语论文奥巴马与布什9.11演讲的架构分析

An Analysis of  Obama’s and Bush’s 911 Speeches in the Perspective of Frame Theory Abstract This paper is to analyze the political discourses on the basis of the frame theory about 911 attack, which were delivered respectively by the incumbent ---Barack Obama, a Democrat and his predecessor ----George Bush, a Republican. It is illustrated that frames within these two texts bear a close relation to the political decisions made by liberals and conservatives, as well as the values upheld by them. Frames from two opposing camps feature partisan inclinations: the frames that fall into the category of Democratic party lines foreground “empathy”, responsibility, service to the public, cooperation and unity, while those belong to Republican camp are associated with power, authority, order, justice, national security and the business enhancement. The contrastive study of the frames and the scenes contained in these public statements is to fully reveal the partisan worldviews respectively held by liberals and conservatives, and is to further explore the differences between two categories of political arguments. 46828

Keywords: 911 attack; Democrat; Republican; frame; scene; authority


摘要本篇文章旨在从架构理论的角度分析两任美国总统,即奥巴马总统与其前任布什总统,就9.11事件发表的演说。奥巴马和布什分属民主和共和两个派,而这两份演讲稿中体现的不同架构则和两截然不同的价值观以及做出的政治决策有密不可分的联系:民主推崇“共情”,强调责任,服务于大众,强调合作与团结一致;而共和则推崇强权,权威,秩序,法纪,国土安全,强调商业贸易的欣欣向荣。对这两篇文本中所含的架构和情景的分析不仅反应两相距甚远的价值观,另外旨在进一步探究两派政治论点的不同之处。毕业论文关键词: 911事件;民主;共和;架构;情景;权威


1.Introduction 1

2.Prerequisite knowledge of Frame and Partisan Family Models 3

2.1 The Notion of Frame and Frame Semantics 3

2.2 Democratic and Republican Worldviews 3

3.Framing and Reframing within Partisan Values 5

3.1 Frames Proposed by Bush’s Speech 5

3.1.1 The Scene of  War 5  

3.1.2 The Frame of  Mass Murder 7

3.1.3 The Frame of Governmental Power 8

 3.2 Frames Constructed by Obama’s Speech 8

3.2.1 The Frame of  One 8  

3.2.2 The Frame of Keeper 9

4.Contrast across Frames Proposed by Liberals and Conservatives 10

4.1 Authority Versus the Public 10

4.2 Anger and Hope 11

5.Conclusion 12

Notes 13

References 14


As it has been mentioned in the acknowledgements, this paper in my conception can be perceived as a demonstration of how one of the two political camps drives supporters away from the other on wedge issues and win back once-alienated constituents. And the initial idea about contrastive analysis of two parties’ major arguments did not come to me until the very day when President Obama, a member of the central pillar group of Liberals, gave a speech on 911 event on its ninth anniversary. Moreover, a specified approach was inspired by a collection of works by George Lakoff, for whom I am most grateful. Thus, this contrastive study starts within the scope of cognitive linguistics. 奥巴马与布什9.11演讲的架构分析 :http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_48640.html
