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时间:2024-05-16 21:22来源:英语论文
A Study of the Retranslation of Robinson Crusoe: from the Perspective of Nationalism,英语论文民族主义视野下的重译研究以《鲁滨逊漂流记》为例。

A Study of the Retranslation of Robinson Crusoe: from the Perspective of Nationalism

Abstract:This study aims at the retranslation of Robinson Crusoe from the perspective of nationalism. Due to the fact that cultural hegemonism gradually attracts public attention, nationalism also comes up and arises hot discussion. People begin to focus on it when nationalism intervenes translators’ behavior in literature field. Thus, this paper takes a comparative study of two translations of different times.

There are plenty of studies in China and other countries concerning various fields. However, researches relating to nationalism are little, especially about a particular literature through different periods. There are very few studies on subjects that concern both the retranslation of Robinson Crusoe and nationalism. Therefore, this paper is creative because it studies the two translations of the novel set in the backgrounds of nationalism through time. Thus the thesis gives a new light on nationalism by introducing it to the translation field. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how nationalism affects translators’ actions under changing social circumstance through the comparison of two translations of Robinson Crusoe. And it tries to reach a conclusion in how nationalism shaped the source and the target texts.

Keywords: nationalism; Robinson Crusoe; retranslation; comparison


摘要:本次研究的对象是是以《鲁滨逊漂流记》为例的民族主义视野下的重译研究。  由于近年来文化霸权主义越演越烈,民族主义开始重新出现在人们的视野中,引 起人们的热烈讨论。人们也开始注意到在文学领域,民族主义何时影响到译者的 翻译行为。因此,本文将采用同一原本不同时期的译本进行对比。 


涉猎,但针对民族主义在文学作品中的体现,尤其是在同一作品不同时期的译作 中还是比较少的。国内目前为止还没有将《鲁滨逊漂流记》的重译和民族主义相 结合的研究话题,因此本研究的创新之处便在于深入了解《鲁滨逊漂流记》的译 本产生的时代背景,并且根据民族主义的发展来研究其对文学领域的影响,使得 论文具有相应的现实意义,推动人们对民族主义的认识。本次研究的目的是希望 通过对《鲁滨逊漂流记》两部不同译本之间的对比,分析在社会环境变化的背景 下民族主义思想对译者翻译行为的影响。本文将从民族主义视角解析《鲁滨逊漂 流记》不同时期较为流行的中译本,总结民族主义在原文和译文中的影响。 



Abstract in English I

Abstract in Chinese II

I. Introduction 1

II. Literature review 3

2.1 The Definition of Nationalism 3

2.2 Nationalism in Translation 4

2.3 Research on Retranslation 6

III. Robinson Crusoe and Its Two Chinese Versions 8

3.1 A Brief Introduction to Robinson Crusoe 8

3.2 Two Chinese Versions 民族主义视野下的重译研究以《鲁滨逊漂流记》为例:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_203867.html
