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时间:2024-05-04 10:09来源:英语论文
Conceptual Metaphors in English Public Service Advertisements,英语论文英语公益广告中的概念隐喻研究

Conceptual Metaphors in English Public Service Advertisements

Abstract:People have made great progress on the study of metaphor in recent decades. The theory of conceptual metaphor put forward by Lakoff has won the recognition of numerous scholars and linguists, which has opened a new chapter on metaphor study. Metaphor is common in our daily life, not only in language, but also in our actions and thoughts. In today’s society, metaphor theory is applied more to commercial advertisements. However, there are few studies on the application of English public service advertisements.

In modern society, English public service advertisement is playing a more and more important role in our work, study and daily life. English public service advertisement is developing quickly and becoming increasingly prosperous as a media of modern information. Research on English public service advertisements is of great importance to promote its development and improve social environment. This paper applies the theory of conceptual metaphor to research of English public service advertisement including its features, functions and meaning.

This paper is pided into five parts. The first part points out the research background, purpose and overall structure of the paper briefly. The second part introduces the theory of conceptual metaphor, including the definition of conceptual metaphor and its working  mechanism, etc. The third part analyzes the characteristics of conceptual metaphor in English public service advertisement. The fourth part analyzes functions of conceptual metaphor in English public service  advertisements. The fifth  part  draws  a  conclusion  based  on  the  analysis  of       conceptual

metaphor in English public service advertisements. Meanwhile, this part points out some shortcomings of this paper and gives some advice on future study.

Keywords: metaphor; conceptual metaphor; English public service advertisements

Conceptual Metaphors in English Public Service Advertisements

摘要:近几十年来,人们对隐喻的研究取得了极大的进步。莱考夫等人提出的概念 隐喻理论获得了众多学者和语言学家的认可,掀开了隐喻研究的新篇章。隐喻在 我们的日常生活中普遍存在,不仅仅在语言中,而且在我们的行动和思考中。然 而,在当今社会,隐喻理论更多地被应用在商业广告中,应用到英语公益广告的 隐喻理论却很少。并且,当今,英语公益广告在我们的工作、学习和日常生活中 起着越来越重要的作用。英语公益广告作为现代传播信息的一种媒介正日益发展 并繁荣。研究英语公益广告,对促进公益广告发展、改善社会环境意义重大。本 文运用概念隐喻理论对英语公益广告进行研究,主要研究英语公益广告中概念隐 喻的特点,功能和意义。

本文共分为五个部分,第一部分主要是概括地指出了论文的研究背景、意义 和论文的整体结构。第二部分主要对概念隐喻理论进行介绍,包括概念隐喻的定 义、工作机制等。第三部分主要是分析英语公益广告中概念隐喻的特点。第四部 分主要是分析英语公益广告中概念隐喻的功能。第五部分主要是通过对上文中的 概念隐喻的分析得出结论,同时指出本文研究的不足,并对未来隐喻研究提出自 己的建议。



Abstract in English I

Abstract in Chinese III

I. Introduction 1

1.1 Research Background 1

1.2 英语公益广告中的概念隐喻研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_203659.html
