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时间:2023-05-08 22:54来源:英语论文
The American Indians’ Sense of Humor in the Eyes of Sherman Alexie,英语论文谢尔曼·阿莱克西眼中的印第安人式幽默

The American Indians’ Sense of Humor in the Eyes of Sherman Alexie English Abstract

There are many theses at home and abroad about American Indians’ problems, most of which view the American Indians from macroscopic perspectives。 However, what are American Indians’ lives really like? The novel the Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian can provide us a different perspective。This thesis mainly focuses on the dark humors in the novel。 By piding the occasions of dark humors in the novel, including conventional occasions, current situations, identity dilemma and religion, as well as the tactics used to show the dark humors, including antinomy, breaking the boundary of tragedies and comedies, exaggeration and distortion, the thesis analyzes how this tactics differ when the humors are used in different applying situation, thus achieving different functions of those dark humors such as irony and absurdity。88678

Key words: American Indian: dark humor


中文摘要 对于美国印第安人问题,国内外学者已经有了很多研究,然而这些研究几乎都是从经济、政治、文 化等宏观角度对印第安人问题加以评判。本文从一个印第安作者的半自传小说中,探寻印第安人的精神 世界和生活状态。本文通过对书中黑色幽默进行分类,即分别关于传统场合,生活现状,身份困境和宗 教,并通过对表现幽默的手法加以分析,包括悖论,打破喜剧和悲剧分界线和扭曲夸张,再结合以上分 析,探寻这些表现手法是如何随着场合不同而变化的,从中探寻这些黑色幽默的作用:讽刺和荒谬。源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766



Acknowledgements 1

1。 Introduction 5

1。1 Sherman Alexie 5

1。2 The summary of the novel 5

1。3 Background of the novel 6

2。 American Indians’ sense of humor and its applying situations 8

2。1 The general introduction of American Indians’ sense of humor in the novel 8

2。2 The applying situations 8

2。2。1 Conventional occasions 8

2。2。2 Current situations 9

2。2。3 Identity dilemma 9

2。2。4 Religion 10

3。 The tactics used to show the humor in the novel 11

3。1 Antinomy 11

3。2 Breaking the boundary of tragedies and comedies 11

3。3 Exaggeration and distortion 12

4。 The functions of the From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766 humor in the novel 13

4。1 谢尔曼·阿莱克西眼中的印第安人式幽默:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_165451.html
