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时间:2023-05-09 20:51来源:英语论文
A Study of the Effects of After-school English Classes on Students' English performance ,英语论文英语课外辅导对学生英语成绩影响的研究

Abstract In the senior high school entrance examination system, people pay more attention to the students’ scores。 Nowadays, students are pursuing high scores。 But the school is difficult to meet the needs of the students。 Therefore, some extracurricular tutoring institutions came into being。 Many people think that students can improve their English performance by taking part in after- school English classes。 I conducted a survey and research。 In the survey, I put forward three

questions: 1。Can after-school English classes promote students' English performance? 2。Does

after-school English classes have the same effect on all students? 3。Will the after-school English classes have a bad effect?I chose a junior high school student in Hangzhou to participate in the questionnaire,and I make a correlation analysis between the data I have obtained and students’ English scores。 The results show that after-school English classes have a positive effect on students' English learning achievement, but it is not the same for everyone。 And they also have a negative impact on students' English performance。 My research also provides a possible reference for educators and students to improve their English achievement through after-school English class。88688

Key words: after-school English classes; students' English performance; effect 

摘要在高中入学考试制度中,人们越来越重视学生的成绩。然而,许多人认为学校教育难以满足 他们追求高的分数,课外辅导应运而生。很多人认为学生参加英语课外辅导班,他们的英语成绩 就能得到提高。然而事实情况是否如此,我进行了调查与研究。在调查中,我提出三个问题:1。 参加英语课外辅导能促进学生的英语成绩吗?2。参加英语课外辅导对所有学生有同样的效果吗? 参加英语课外辅导会对学生的英语学习有不良影响吗?我选取了杭州某一初中的二年级学生参与 了调查问卷并将得出的数据和老师所提供的学生成绩做了相关性分析。结果表明参加英语课外辅 导对学生的英语学习成绩有积极的影响,但对每个人来说都不尽相同。参加英语课外辅导还会对 学生的英语成绩产生负面的影响。我的研究也为教育者和学生通过英语课外辅导提高英语成绩提 供了可能的借鉴。88688

毕业论文关键词:英语课外辅导; 学生英语成绩 ; 影响



1 Introduction 1

1。1  Background 。。。。。错误!未定义书签。

1。2 Significance of the research 2

1。3 Purpose of the research 2

2 Literature Review 2

2。1 The concept of 源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 after-school classes 2

2。2 The function of after-school English classes 3

2。3 Teaching principles of after-school English class——Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude 4

3 Research Design 5

3。1 Research questions 5

3。2 Participant 5

3。3 英语课外辅导对初中学生英语成绩影响的研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_165467.html
