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时间:2023-01-17 10:52来源:英语论文
Teacher’s Discourse Analysis of the Fourth SFLEP National College English Teaching Contest 英语论文外教社杯全国大学英语教学大赛教师话语分析研究。

Abstract This paper is to analyze teacher’s discourse based on a self-built corpus from the Fourth SFLEP National College English Teaching Contest。 Through the format conversion and repeated verification, the final notebook format corpus completed。 The self-built corpus contains 29729 characters。 Software AntConc 3。2。1 is applied to analyze oral particles, high-frequency words and key words collocation。87092

Study found that the winners of the classroom discourse not only pays attention to the cohesion and coherence, but also highlights the special words of classroom discourse; keywords can reflect the teacher's lecture topics, high-frequency word “wh”, to some degree, reflects the use of heuristic teaching method。 The extraction and description of the lexical chunks have borne out the interaction of class discourse。 The research hopes to have some enlightenment and application to the English classroom teaching and bilingual teaching in China。

Keywords: discourse analysis; corpus linguistics; discourse analysis


摘要本文基于语料库,对第四届“外教社杯”全国大学英语教学大赛教师话语进行分析研究。自建语料库由反复验证转录为TXT格式的文本文档构成,包含29729个字符。通过自建语料库, 使用AntConc3。2。1软件对教学大赛视频转码成文本进行话语分析,以求揭示并验证话语研究中三个核心特征--话语的街接与连贯、语境特征和互动性。





Teacher’s Discourse Analysis of  the Fourth SFLEP National College English Teaching Contest-A Corpus-based Study


Abstract in English I

Abstract in Chinese II

I。 Introduction 1

 1。1 Background of the Present Study 1

 1。2 Research Purpose 2

 1。3 Research Methodology 2

 1。4 Overview of the Thesis 3

II。 Literature Review 4

 2。1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis 4

 2。2 Corpus Linguistics 5

 2。3 Corpus Linguistic Approach to Discourse Analysis 6

III。 Methodology 8

 3。1 Corpus-driven Approaches。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。8

3。2 Analysis of the Corpus 10

3。3 Research questions 10

IV。 Analysis And Discussion 11

 4。1 Cohesion and Coherence 11

 4。2 Contextual Features 12

 4。3 Interaction 外教社杯全国大学英语教学大赛教师话语分析研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_124603.html
