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时间:2017-05-26 11:02来源:毕业论文

摘  要:自媒体时代,微博作为其代表之一,在对于突发事件事件发展的舆论引导方面起到了越来越重要的影响。尤其在近几年突发事件中,微博凭借传播速度快、报道范围广、动员能力强等优势,迅速站上了舆论领跑者的位置。但随着网络的不断发展,微博在处理突发事件舆论引导方面也出现了“跟不上”、“站不住脚”、“有口难开”、“有气无力”等问题。面对微博舆论引导的不足,本论文将从舆论主导权、权威性、草根用户话语权、微博用户自律、微博议程“再设置”等五个方面,结合一些具体案例来提出解决方法,给陷在突发事件舆论风暴中心的微博本身和微博使用者一些参考。
Microblogging Public Opinion Guide to Explore in Emergencies
Abstract:Since the media age, especially in recent years, micro-blogging, as one of its representatives, has played an increasingly important role to guide public opinions towards the development of emergency events.Especially in recent years of emergencies, with the advantages of fast spreading, wide coverage range, strong ability to mobilize, micro-blogging quickly leads public opinions. However, with the continuous development of the networks, mocro-blogging has been having difficulties in dealing with emergencies and guiding public opinions, such as "can't keep up", "shaky" and "hardest", "weak", and so on. Facing with the disadvantages, this paper will deal with them in five aspects including public initiative, authority, speaking right of grassroots users, self – discipline of micro-blogging users and micro-blogging agendas, combined with specific cases to improve micro-blogging’s situation of getting stuck in the center of the media storm and give micro-blogging users some reference.
Key Words:emergency; microblogging; public opinion guidance; words power.
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、微博与突发事件概述    1
(一)微博概述    2
(二)突发事件概述    2
二、突发事件中微博舆论引导的优势    3
(一)传播快速,彰显舆论引导主动性    3
(二)多元视角,方便打通两个舆论场    4
(三)全民参与,凸显舆论引导强势性    5
三、微博对突发事件舆论引导的新挑战    6
(一)裂变式传播,舆论引导“跟不上”    6
(二)虚假信息泛滥,舆论引导“站不住脚”    6
(三)话语权失衡,舆论引导“有口难开”    7
(四)信息碎片化,舆论引导“有气无力”    8
四、突发事件中微博舆论引导策略    9
(一)紧抓“黄金4小时”,抢占舆论主导权    9
(二)当好“把关人”,增强舆论引导权威性    9
(三)提升用户媒介素养,缓解舆论引导压力    10
(四)倾听草根用户心声,全面了解舆情    11
(五)增强信息整合力,做好议程“再设置”    11
参考文献    13
突发事件中微博的舆论引导探究微博作为互联网Web2.0时代的一个新兴代表,自诞生起就迅速的成长起来,不同与Web1.0时代的门户网站,它使信息的传递从以往的单向性传播开始向双向性传播甚至是多向性传播转变,并伴随着其注册门槛低、收发方便、自由等特点,真正在网络上开启了一个全民大联欢、大互动的新时代。“140字改变世界”的口号迅速在全球兴起,人人拥有麦克风,微博的言论自由和话语权都达到了前所未有的高度,每个人都成了事件的记录着和关注者。在近几年的,突发事件中微博舆论引导也越来越明显,几乎在所有的突发事件中都能看到它的影响。 突发事件中微博的舆论引导探究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_7911.html