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时间:2020-06-05 20:05来源:毕业论文



Research on Network Public Opinion Guidance in Colleges and Universities from the Media Era

Abstract:Since the media age, a growing number of Internet public opinion events due to lack of proper guidance, and causing all kinds of crises, university network public opinion as well.Through the university network public opinion analysis to guide the problems found in Universities predict inaccurate public opinion, public opinion guidance of public opinion and the lag issues such as a single mode guide public opinion in the network booting.Get to the bottom to find the cause of the problem, such as the university network public opinion should be said mechanism is not perfect, the management group of the lack of professional skills to guide public opinion, given the school's lack of expression Students platform, network ethics is missing. To solve these problems, we recommend that colleges and sound public sentiment warning mechanism, and strengthen counseling combined emphasis on students and other aspects of the demands of public opinion to guide the network, to create a good atmosphere on campus.

Key Words:Self-media age; College; Internet public opinion; Guide

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、自媒体时代高校网络舆情概述 2

(一)高校网络舆情的传播特征 2

(二)高校网络舆情的演变流程 2

二、自媒体时代高校网络舆情引导存在的问题 3

(一)高校网络舆情预判不准确 3

(二)高校网络舆情引导滞后 4

(三)高校网络舆情应对方式单一 5

三、自媒体时代高校网络舆情引导存在问题的原因 6

(一)高校舆情引导机制不健全 6

(二)管理团队缺乏专业舆情引导技能 6

(三)高校网络道德规范有待加强 7

(四)高校与大学生沟通渠道不畅 8

四、自媒体时代高校网络舆情引导策略 8

(一)强化高校舆情疏导与科学监督相结合 9

(二)建立健全高校网络舆情预警机制 9

(三)校方联动共建舆情平台 10

(四)保持大学生诉求表达渠道畅通 10

(五)强化道德规范的约束力 11

参考文献 12


舆情在国内学术界没有统一的定论,较为公认的定义是由天津社会科学院舆情研究所的刘毅在《网络舆情研究概论》一书中提到的:“舆情是由个人以及各种社会群体构成的公众,在一定的历史阶段和社会空间内,对自己关心或与自身利益相关的各种公共事务持有的多种情绪、意愿、态度和意见交错的总和。” 随着互联网的兴起,舆情也蔓延至这个领域。在互联网的平台上表达或传播不同的情绪、态度、意见等的总和便是网络舆情。 自媒体时代高校网络舆情引导研究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_53732.html
