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时间:2020-05-30 17:29来源:毕业论文



A study of Citizen Journalism at the Age of Self-media

  Abstract: With the development of the Internet mobile terminals and other technologies to promote the arrivals of the self-media. At the same time, citizen journalism has become the main force with the help of self-media. Therefore, as long as get entirely understand of self-media in the times, can we ensure the citizen journalism in the current and healthy future development. This text summarizes and analyzes the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of citizen journalism in the self-media and the future development strategies using case analysis, qualitative and other ways. They try to reveal the deep connotation of citizen journalism and put forward some strategies to deal with the disadvantages of citizen journalism which try to combine the experience of traditional media and the development of professional journalism. And they try to seeking a broader development way with the new elements on self-media times for citizen journalism.

  Key Words: We media times;Citizen journalism,;Specialized journalists  Micro-blog

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、自媒体与公民新闻 2

(一)自媒体和公民新闻的内涵 2

(二)自媒体与公民新闻的内在联系 2

二、自媒体时代下公民新闻带来的新气象 3

(一)开辟弱势群体的话语空间 3

(二)公民新闻推动政府反腐工作新作为 4

(三)公民新闻倒逼信息公开化 5

三、自媒体时代下公民新闻现阶段的发展困境 6

(一)公民新闻内容的虚假化 6

(二)公民新闻内容的泛娱乐化 7

(三)公民新闻中信息把关的难度加大 7

四、自媒体时代下公民新闻未来发展策略 9

(一)加强公民新闻参与者媒介素养的培养 9

(二)加大公民新闻把关力度 9

(三)完善自媒体言论的法律法规建设 10

参考文献 12

自媒体时代下“公民新闻”的研究 自媒体的产生和发展可以说离不开网络技术和数字技术的推动,自媒体时代的到来使媒介准入门槛随之降低,众多普通大众加入到了新闻传播者的队伍之中,为新闻信息的传播活动注入了新鲜血液,推动着公民新闻的发展。也让更多公众开始有意识的关注新闻,从而使信息不断公开化、透明化,但与此同时也带来了新闻虚假性、娱乐化等问题,对于自媒体时代下公民新闻今后的发展仍然充满太多的未知。 自媒体时代下公民新闻的研究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_53330.html
