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时间:2020-05-09 21:50来源:毕业论文



The Strategy and Study on In-depth Reporting Released in Web Portal

  Abstract: With the ever-accelerated development of network technology, portal site has become a new mass media of information .This article will combine the definition and characteristics of in-depth reporting of the portal, the depth of the web portal in China reported the status quo of research, reflects the depth of the portal was reported: the problems existing in the current news concept appeared deviation, the improper use of new media technology, original depth reported less, high degree of dependence on traditional media, as well as the content is relatively fragmented, weak brand awareness. Appeared above problems mainly include: competition is intense, the one-sided pursuit of clicks, video in-depth reporting is still in the exploratory stage, the portal website of full-time staff, less cost co., LTD., as well as professional portal operator is limited, development time is short. After check data research and analysis, the depth of the web portal in China reported by shift portal in-depth reporting news concept, use opportunely the depth of the new media technology to portal, open source, the introduction of talent, establish portal in-depth reporting columns brand, to achieve long-term development of our country's portal in-depth reporting.

  Keywords: Web portal; In-depth reporting; Strategy analysis

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、门户网站深度报道概述 2

(一)门户网站深度报道的定义 3

(二)门户网站深度报道的特点 3

二、我国门户网站深度报道存在的问题 4

(一)新闻理念出现偏差 4

(二)对新媒体技术的运用不当 5

(三)原创深度报道少,对传统媒体依赖程度高 6

(四)内容较零散,品牌意识薄弱 6

三、 我国门户网站深度报道存在的问题的原因分析 7

(一)竞争激烈,片面追求点击量 7

(二)视频型深度报道还处于探索阶段 7

(三)门户网站专职新闻从业人员少,成本有限 8

(四)门户网站经营者职业素养有限,发展时间短 8

四、提升我国门户网站深度报道质量的策略分析 我国门户网站的深度报道研究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_51211.html
