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时间:2020-01-07 19:59来源:毕业论文


毕业论文  键  词:植入式广告;隐蔽性;传统广告;植入效果

Study on the Problem and Countermeasure of the Product Placement in Film and Television

    Abstract:As time advanced the development of the traditional ad has suffered bottleneck. Product placement, as a new way of advertising model, quickly developed in the advertising market with its unique advantage such as the imperceptible influence, the win-win model of business and a integration of the audience of film and product. However it still has a lot to be improved like the implantation mode of advertisement, the quantity of the ad embed, the information of the product showed on screen and so on. In order to promote the development of Product Placement, we need to begin with the legal system and the effect of the Product Placement. Combine the traditional way with it is also a good idea to clear the way of its development.

    Key Words:Product placement; Concealment; Traditional advertising; Implanted into effect

 目    录


摘  要 1

Abstract. 1

一、植入式广告概述 2

(一)植入式广告概念界定 2

(二)植入式广告的发展梳理 2

(三)植入式广告的表现形式 3

二、影视剧中植入式广告的优点 4

(一)潜移默化的传递广告信息 4

(二)便于实现双赢互利 5

(三)有效实现影视剧受众和产品目标消费者的重叠 6

三、影视剧中植入式广告的缺点 6

(一)部分作品植入方式简单粗糙 6

(二)植入数量过多 7

(三)商品信息展示受限 7

四、影视剧中植入式广告存在问题的对策研究 8

(一)完善广告法中有关植入式广告的条款 8

(二)增强植入效果 10

(三)加强植入式广告与传统广告的相互配合 11

参考文献 13

影视剧中植入式广告存在的问题及对策研究   古语有云:“沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春”,说的就是新的事物总会代替旧的事物出现在人们面前。在与时俱进的时代背景之下,传统广告简单蛮横的传播方式已经不能勾起人们的新鲜感和购买欲望,反而会引起人们的负面情绪,而植入式广告作为一种新兴的广告模式,脱俗于传统广告的简单蛮横,留给人们的印象还只是新鲜感和些许的陌生,另一方面植入式广告的隐蔽性基本解决了人们在面对广告频繁重复出现时的反感情绪。这就决定了植入式广告广阔的发展空间和令人欣喜的前景。但是新事物总会变成旧事物被代替,在植入式广告迅猛发展的同时,我们要居安思危,认真研究和探析植入式广告,让其在不断的完善和创新中发展进步。 影视剧中植入式广告存在的问题及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_44678.html
